Potato peels will no longer be wasted – make these 5 genius recipes

Potato is one of the most used vegetables in almost every household. But then its peels also cause maximum wastage. Our daily cooking includes Aloo Paratha, Aloo Sabzi, Aloo Pulao, Aloo Tikki and the list is endless. While potatoes make for a delicious and nutritious addition to all of these dishes, sadly, the peel goes to waste. What if we tell you that potato peels can also be used to make some delicious dishes? You might not believe us and that’s why here we have come up with some tips to prove it for you.

do you know potatoes have peels rich in potassium Among other nutrients that make them a healthy food? This comes as a surprise to many of us, but the following recipes will make you stop wasting this gem and also make you wonder why you were throwing it away for so long. But first of all first you have to clean the outer layer of potato properly because it contains a lot of dust and dirt, as you must have seen.

(Also read: Do not throw away onion peels; Here are 5 ways you can use it in your meals,

5 great recipes to make with potato peels:

1.Potato Skin Chips

We have always used potato pulp to make crunchy and delicious chips. Next time use potato peeler and you will get crunchy chips for evening snack. Drizzle potato wedges with olive oil and bake them, then toss them in a pungent mixture of various spices. Click here for detailed recipe.

Potato peel chips make for a great evening snack.

2. Potato Peel Soup

You already know that you can make a comforting soup with almost any meal, and that includes potato peels. Simply boil the peel along with garlic, ginger, onion and tomato. Blend them all together and cook for some more time with seasonings. You can also add cream or green coriander and lemon juice over it.

3. Potato Peel Broth

Chicken stock or vegetable stock is always used to make a variety of recipes. Potato peel broth can also make for a great ingredient. Simply season the potato peels with salt and pepper. Strain this water and save it to be used as a flavoring broth.

(Also read: Still don’t throw away those lemon peels: Exciting ways to add them to your meals,

4. Potato Peel Garnish

Be it salad, raita or biryani, the extra garnish of something crunchy always adds to its flavour. You can roast your potato skins and crumble them and use them as a crunchy garnish for your various dishes.

5. Baked Potato Peel

Baked potatoes are one of the most popular snacking items out there. This recipe uses just potato peelings as the flesh is scooped out, then stuffed with mustard sauce and cheese, and baked to perfection. Click here for the recipe.

Baked Mexican Potato Recipe

Baked potatoes can be made easily with just the skins.

Do not throw away those useful potato peels. Make these recipes and enjoy their nutrition and unique taste.