Pregnancy complications: Major risk factors that pregnant women should never ignore

Parenthood is one of the most wonderful events in life that couples look forward to. The joy and feelings associated with this experience cannot be adequately expressed in words; This includes both happy and difficult periods.

Dr Sunita Mahesh, Senior Consultant, Phato says, “Pregnancy is an entirely new phase in a woman’s life, during which she gets her fair share of ups and downs and a slew of emotions ranging from joy, happiness, worry, excitement to… The chain feels.” Maternal Medicine and Medical Director, Milan Fertility and Birthing Hospital, JP Nagar, Bangalore.

Since this is the most important time for a mother, it is important for her to be vigilant. It’s imperative to look for and address any discomfort, no matter how insignificant, because if you decide to ignore it, there are chances that it could develop into something unexpected.

Dr Mahesh lists out the major risk factors that you should never ignore

stomach ache

In some situations, such as when contractions or muscle soreness occur during pregnancy, it is natural to feel abdominal pain. It can feel like a dull ache or a sharp ache. However, if you experience persistent abdominal pain, it is better to seek medical advice. This can be a warning symptom of premature labor, infection, intestinal problems, or pregnancy complications such as abruption or rupture of the placenta, a uterine scar that can cause significant problems for both the mother and fetus. In such circumstances it is best to visit your health care practitioner.

frequent contractions

It’s very typical to experience contractions occasionally, especially as your due date nears. These contractions can also hurt, but are not a major concern if they happen only occasionally. However, if you experience more contractions than usual, especially during early pregnancy, you should consult a doctor at once. Most of the time, having contractions so frequently can indicate premature labor. Therefore, it is best to get evaluated by your doctor.

vaginal bleeding

A small amount of bleeding in early pregnancy can be seen in about 15% of all pregnancies. There are many reasons for these episodes, it can be due to threatened miscarriage in most cases, and it can be managed conservatively. However, if there is excessive vaginal bleeding, as intense as menstruation, it may be a sign of risk and should serve as a warning for you to see a specialist. In subsequent pregnancies, women with placenta previa may have vaginal bleeding, abruptio placenta, in preterm labor, scar dehiscence, uterine rupture. Any bleeding during pregnancy should be evaluated prior to reassurance.

very high or very low blood sugar level
The incidence of gestational diabetes is increasing at an alarming rate. Women with gestational diabetes need to monitor their blood sugar frequently and take prescribed treatment. Some may also require insulin to control blood sugar. Diabetes during pregnancy can lead to many problems for both the mother and the foetus, so one should be alert and report immediately if the sugar level is low or high.

persistent vomiting

Morning sickness is the term for the nausea and vomiting that occurs during early pregnancy and is a normal hormone-induced physiological change. However, you should consider seeking immediate medical attention if your morning sickness worsens and worsens to a severe degree. Additionally, if you experience severe vomiting after your first trimester, you should seek medical help immediately.

swelling of the limb

This is the most common complaint during pregnancy and is called physiologic, as it is caused by an increase in plasma volume to increase the blood supply to the growing fetus. However, one should also have blood pressure checked and monitored, as high blood pressure during pregnancy can be seen in about 10 percent of all pregnancies, and can cause complications for both mother and baby. It can lead to fetal growth restriction and is one of the important causes of premature delivery. There may also be a risk of internal bleeding in the mother which can lead to long-term complications and may require intensive care monitoring.

low baby movements

You begin to feel baby movements as early as 20 weeks, and they become more apparent after 28 weeks. It is essential that you keep track of your baby’s movements during pregnancy. If the movement is less, it is better to go to the hospital for fetal monitoring. Tests performed to assess the well-being of the fetus include non-stress test and ultrasound evaluation of amniotic fluid volume and fetal Doppler test.

vaginal discharge

It is acceptable to have slightly more vaginal discharge than before getting pregnant, it should be clear and not associated with bleeding or foul odor. If there are additional symptoms such as cloudy discharge with unpleasant odor, aches, pains, or itching, you should consult a doctor immediately.


baby on Board! Get ready to experience the joy of parenthood. “Pregnancy for a woman is nothing less than an emotional rollercoaster. You get to experience so much new that you have never learned in your entire life, but it is necessary that you be more alert and alert towards your health during these times. Seek medical attention as soon as possible,” Dr Mahesh indicated.

You never know when a health issue that seems minor to you may develop unexpectedly. Therefore, it is important to understand the pregnancy risks mentioned above so that you can respond appropriately when needed.

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