Prepare your body to fight air pollution with these 5 superfoods

Even though the air quality in Delhi-NCR has improved from ‘severe’ to ‘very poor’ category, the problem is yet to be resolved. Residents have no respite from the ill effects of toxic air, which is likely to affect the health of children, the elderly and those vulnerable to health problems, as well as those with low immunity. While the government and citizens are taking all possible measures to curb the alarming levels of pollution, we can make some changes in our diet to protect our bodies from environmental damages. Eating immunity-boosting food makes it easier for the body to deal with pollutants and toxins.
So, what are these superfoods? Let’s take a look:

Orange juice:
Turn to vitamin C when you have a cold or flu. Vitamin C boosts the production of white blood cells, which fight infection like a pro. Fruits like grapes, oranges, tangerines, lemons and limes are powerhouse nutrients. A glass of orange juice is excellent for boosting one’s immune system.

Green Tea:

Green tea is a powerhouse of antioxidants. As a result, it detoxifies our body and boosts our immune system. Suffering from symptoms like cold, cough and runny or stuffy nose, sore throat or itchy throat? Green tea is a stop for all these health problems. ,

Drinking enough water will not only keep the body hydrated but also improve immunity. Keep a bottle of water with you and sip on it every few minutes to flush out harmful toxins from your body.

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Tomato Soup or Juice:

Tomatoes are abundant in nutrients, especially vitamin C, which helps in improving one’s immunity. In addition, they contain fiber and have a high water content. Apart from protecting the body from the harmful effects of pollution and weather changes, it helps in improving digestion.

Turmeric or Turmeric Milk:

Turmeric is a spice known for its anti-inflammatory and other nutritional properties. While we add turmeric or turmeric to every meal, consuming turmeric milk is excellent to fight the effects of air pollution. In addition, a warm glass of turmeric milk can heal the body from cough, cold, flu and other seasonal infections.

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