Privacy Policy: Explained: Meta’s new privacy policy update and why Indian users might skip it – Times of India

Meta, formerly known as Facebook, has multiple messaging and social media platforms including – Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram. The parent company of these services has now announced new changes that will be added to Privacy Policy, According to Meta, these changes will focus on telling users how the company uses collected information more clearly.
Meta’s new privacy policy availability
New Privacy Policy, formerly known as data policy, will be effective from 26 July. However, the updated privacy policy only covers certain meta products such as – Facebook, Messenger, Instagram and others. The company has launched WhatsApp, Workplace, Free Basics and . as the platform is abandoned Messenger Kids From the new privacy policy.
The company has also mentioned that it has started sending out notifications to users about the new policy. To review the changes and get more details, users can click on the notification. However, users are not required to act on these notifications and can choose to ignore them.
The Importance of Meta’s New Privacy Policy
Meta stresses that the updated Privacy Policy will not introduce new ways for the Company to collect, use or share user data. Instead, the company has simplified the wording and also provided more detailed and clear explanations of the policy and various data practices in the new privacy policy.
The company’s chief privacy officer, Michael Protti, wrote, “We have rewritten and redesigned our privacy policy to better understand and clarify how we use your information.” Protti claims that the company has also included more details about the types of third parties with whom it shares and obtains information. Among other changes, Meta also explains how and why people’s information is shared across its products in the new privacy policy.
meta update terms of services Too
In addition to new changes to its Privacy Policy, Meta is also updating its Terms of Services. The company states that updating the terms of services will help “better explain” the company and users with accounts on its platform.
Is it mandatory for users to accept META’s new Privacy Policy and Terms of Services?
Meta mentions that users in select countries (which includes India) will have the option of not accepting the updated Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. A META spokesperson issued a statement saying, “For most countries, our privacy policy is informational”. This is the reason why the company is sharing a prominent notice to the users to highlight the change, however, the notification does not invite users to click on the option to agree to the updated privacy policy. In addition, Meta has also confirmed that if Users choose not to accept the updated Privacy Policy and Terms of Service, it will not affect their access to the Company’s products.
Facebook’s new privacy setting
The company is also rolling out a new privacy setting for Facebook users. This new setting will allow users to control who sees their posts on Meta’s social media platform by default. In addition, Meta has also announced that the company’s Privacy Center dashboard is now available to everyone on Facebook and links directly to the updated privacy policy.