Processed food addiction may be linked to parents’ drinking habits, study says

1 in 5 people show this clinically significant addiction to highly processed foods, marked by loss of control over intake, intense craving, and an inability to cut down despite negative consequences.

“People who have a family history of addiction may be at greater risk for developing a problematic relationship with highly processed foods, which is really challenging in a food environment where these foods are cheap, accessible and heavily marketed. ones,” said Lindzi Hoover, UM psychology graduate student and lead author of the study.

But the addictive response did not end with food, as people with food addictions were more likely to exhibit personal problems with alcohol, cannabis, tobacco and vaping, the research showed.

In the modern world the diet is preventable due to excessive consumption of highly processed food and drugs. This study suggests that interventions are needed to simultaneously reduce addictive eating and substance abuse.

“Public health approaches that have reduced the harms of other addictive substances, such as restricting marketing to children, may be important to consider to reduce the negative impact of highly processed foods,” Hoover said.