Project to translate engineering books into Hindi, local languages ​​- Times of India

New Delhi: In India, over one crore students appearing for class 10 and 12 exams across the board, over 65 per cent study in non-English medium schools. They face language barriers when joining higher education institutions such as the medical and engineering sectors, where the primary language of instruction is English. This is due to the lack of textbooks and other educational resources only in the native languages.

Now, a new project launched by the premier Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay will focus on an Indian language end-to-end translation ecosystem, enabling a new generation of learners to study engineering in their mother tongue Will make


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According to the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) of IIT Bombay, Project Udaan is a high-fidelity machine-assisted translation ecosystem for technical books, developed by a team led by Ganesh, based on artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. (ML) framework. Ramakrishnan. The translation project comes into existence from 14 September, which is celebrated as Hindi Divas across India. Garuda Prakashan is the publishing partner for Project Udaan. Project developers said that using this AI-based translation engine developed by some of India’s best technical and linguistic minds, a technical book can be translated in one-sixth the time, with domain and linguistic experts working manually. are. .

Indian physicist HC Verma calls it “a commendable initiative to translate technical books into Indian languages, which have the potential to unlock intelligence and creativity in young minds. To make up for the lack of material in their mother tongue, young students need a Have to face tough task. At higher level because English becomes a hindrance instead of becoming a competent one. I always believe that a teacher and a student should love the subject so that he/she can learn it. Providing young minds with material in their mother tongue would be a very effective step towards developing this emotional bond with the subject.”

Speaking about ‘Project Udaan’, Ganesh Ramakrishnan of IIT-Bombay says, “We started human-in-the-loop machine translation 7 years ago by building lexicons of various technical domains. So we are looking for suitable scientific and are able to use technology. Words available in Indian languages ​​instead of transliteration of English words. We are happy to report that by deploying our AI-based translation engine, we are now a team for one-sixth time We are also able to translate a technical book in less time. Composed of domain and linguistic experts working manually. Over time, as our AI and ML engines translate each page and each book into each domain, we are able to translate it. We expect to achieve very short turnaround times to produce publication-quality output.”

Sankrant Sanu, founder of Garuda Publications and author of the influential book “The English Medium Myth”, says: “Even in premier institutions like IITs, I feel that students do not have access to education in their own language. are struggling. Prof. Ganesh’s project at IIT Bombay is a major step in enabling a technology infrastructure for rapid, high-quality translation.”

The new translation project is in line with the vision of the new National Policy on Education (NEP), which envisages universities and colleges to offer higher education in Hindi and other Indian languages.

This will aid the ongoing initiative for undergraduate engineering programs to be taught in regional languages ​​in 14 engineering colleges across eight states from this year. Project UDAN aims to translate approximately 500 engineering curriculum texts into Hindi, which subsequently expands the reach to 15 Indian languages, with the availability of suitable financial support for the undertaking.


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