Projector screen made of bedsheet: Woman’s desi ‘jugaad’ wins hearts

A projector screen was made using a white sheet.

Indians are known for developing quick, cost-effective and practical solutions to challenging issues. This ability is often called Makeshifter In colloquial language.

This technique of employing creativity and ingenuity to quickly solve problems, make repairs, or create new things from inexpensive, everyday items often makes life easier.

Recently a youtuber shared some pictures Makeshifter His wife has made it in his house and people are praising the pictures on social media.

His wife made a projector screen by taking bedsheets from their house which worked fine for him.

The YouTuber known as Geeky Ranjit wrote,Makeshifter: I was telling my wife that we could have a rollable motorized projector screen in the room; It will cost around Rs 20-25,000. He pulled out this sheet with four paper clips and said, “Look at this!”

Images of this non-traditional, thrifty innovation gained instant popularity and the tweet has been viewed nearly 5,000 times. Lots of people are making insightful comments about him.

“home make Makeshifter Rocks on other things! One user commented, “I’ve had similar experiences as we’ve heard; good luck convincing him for the actual setup.”

“I could tell you the same thing, but I understand where the statement is coming from. CheapMakeshifter OK for a while, but nothing competes with the original technology,” wrote another user.

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