Proper Diet To Exercise, 5 Ways To Take Care Of Yourself Post-pregnancy – News18

New mothers should prioritise rest.

New mothers need to have a well-balanced diet before they resume light exercise.

We often hear that a happy mother raises a happy baby. Many mothers, especially new ones, tend to forget this. They prioritise their children and family, rarely making time for themselves while caring for their newborns. It’s important to realise that children don’t need perfect mothers, but all they need are happy and healthy mothers. New moms should understand that it’s alright to take time for self-care and self-love. Here’s the significance of self-care and ways to incorporate it.

Physical Exercise

After conceiving, post-pregnancy changes persist for 4 to 6 weeks. New moms should gradually resume pre-pregnancy exercises. Aim for 3 sessions a week for 30 minutes each. Initially, start with 5 to 10 minutes of warm-up. Breastfeeding before exercising can enhance comfort. Before indulging in any exercise routine, one should take proper nutrition and stay hydrated.

Take Proper Diet

For new mothers, it is important to maintain a well-balanced diet. Having a proper diet means including five to seven portions of whole grains, rice or cereal. Equally important are two servings of fruits and vegetables, in addition to two to three servings of lean meat and low-fat dairy. These food choices are rich in essential protein, iron, and calcium, and are beneficial for mothers during postpartum and breastfeeding periods.

Explore a New Hobby

Discovering a hobby you truly enjoy is a great way to feed yourself with positivity. If you’re a fan of music, you could explore new artists or even take up learning an instrument. For those who like staying active, consider looking for free fitness classes at a nearby park or experimenting with a motivating fitness app.

Take Proper Rest

Caring for a newborn means feeding them seven to eight times daily, which can exhaust breastfeeding mothers. It takes a few months for babies to establish a routine, allowing mothers to eventually get six to eight hours of sleep. During this phase, resting when the baby does and focusing on feeding and self-care is crucial.

Ask Help From Loved Ones

The new mother should prioritise rest and not hesitate to seek assistance from friends or relatives if she’s feeling overwhelmed. Hormonal changes post-birth might trigger baby blues after two to four days. Feeling emotional or teary without a reason, even over trivial things, is entirely common during this period.