Protests hit Iran as rights group says 19 children killed – Times of India

Dubai: Protests continue across the country following the death of a young woman in police custody. Iran In defiance of an crackdown by authorities on Sunday, a human rights group said at least 185 people, including children, were killed in the demonstrations.
The anti-government protests, which began on September 17 at the funeral of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini in the Kurdish city of Sakez, became the biggest challenge for Iran’s clerical leaders in years, with protesters calling for the downfall of the supreme leader. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei,
“At least 185 people, including at least 19 children, have been killed in nationwide protests across Iran. Sistan and Balochistan provinces have recorded the highest number of killings,” Norway-based Iran Human Rights said on Saturday. ,
Officials have described the protest as a conspiracy by Iran’s enemies, including the United States. He has accused armed dissidents, among others, of violence in which at least 20 members of the security forces have been reportedly killed.
Rights groups said videos shared on social media showed hundreds of high school girls and university students participating in dozens of cities in Iran early Sunday despite the use of tear gas, clubs and in many cases ammunition.
Iranian officials have denied that live bullets were used.
‘Don’t kill my wife, she’s pregnant’
A video posted on Twitter by widely followed activist 1500Photos shows security forces armed with clubs attacking students at a high school. Tehran,
In another video, a man shouted “don’t kill my wife, she’s pregnant” while trying to save her from riot police in Rafsanjan town on Saturday.
A video shared by Mamlekt, a Twitter account with more than 150,000 followers, shows security forces chasing dozens of school girls in the city of Bandar Abbas. The social media post said that shops were closed in several cities after activists called for a mass strike.
Reuters could not confirm the video and the post. Details of casualties have emerged gradually, partly due to internet restrictions imposed by the authorities.
Meanwhile, the semi-official Tasnim news agency quoted the deputy home minister as warning of harsh punishment for those referred to as rioters.
Amini was arrested in Tehran on 13 September for wearing “inappropriate attire”. He died three days later in a hospital in Tehran.
A state coroner’s report on Saturday said that Amini had died due to pre-existing diseases. Her father has blamed the police for her death with her family’s lawyer saying that “respectable doctors” believe she was beaten up in custody.
While the United States and Canada have already imposed sanctions on Iranian officials, The European Union The Iranian authorities were considering accumulating assets and imposing travel restrictions.
German Foreign Minister Annalena Barbock said, “Those who beat (Iranian) women and girls on the street, who abduct, arbitrarily imprison and condemn to death, who want nothing more than to be free They are standing on the wrong side of history.” Bild am Sonntag newspaper on Sunday.