Punjab AAP not remote-control from Delhi, says Harpal Cheema, clears air on CM’s face amid disagreement

In 2017, he made a strong start to his debut run but stumbled at the finishing line. In the last four-and-a-half years, the AAP has seen some turbulent times, battling factionalism and the absence of a strong local leadership. But as the 2022 assembly elections are approaching, the party feels that it has a strong chance of ousting the incumbent party. News18 caught up with Leader of the Opposition and senior AAP leader Harpal Cheema on how the Punjab AAP can tarnish the image of the Delhi-controlled entity and why the announcement of the CM face is getting delayed.

Elections are just a few months away. How do you rate your chances this time?

We started well in the state. We may not have won but we have emerged as a major opposition party. In the last four years, we have been able to play the role of watchdog in ensuring that we nullify all the wrong decisions of the government. And to a large extent we have succeeded and based on that performance we have a good chance. People are fed up with the infighting of the Congress, the poor track record of the SAD and the BJP in governance. We believe we have a good chance.

What difference do you see in your 2017 and 2022 preparations and election battles?

We contested elections for the first time in 2017 so we were testing new waters. Our cadre and local leadership was something that had not been tested before. But in these four-and-a-half years, things have changed for the better. Our cadre is more extensive and is eager to go on to win. Also, our local leadership has evolved into a strong leadership during this period. Now we can effectively expose the Congress government which has failed to fulfill its promises. At the same time, we can also take on the Akali Dal, whose past is rooted in corruption and the BJP with ill-conceived agricultural laws.

Why do you say that things are different? How do you think you have a chance?

We have already started reaching out to voters and looking at the Congress, which is still grappling with infighting. The people of Punjab are watching. On the one hand, the Captain Amarinder government has failed to deliver and on the other hand the ruling parties of the party are trying to humiliate each other. How will they focus on governance? And this is where we believe we can uproot the party. SAD also has a bad past, people have not forgiven them for a faulty past. Their track record on un-specified PPAs – Punjab produces electricity and yet we have the highest tariffs in the country. Delhi, on the other hand, is not a power producing state and yet the tariffs are low. That’s why we want to replicate the Delhi model of good governance here in Punjab as well.

But it is the model of Delhi which sometimes comes under the cloud. Your rivals say you are managed by Delhi and you are not able to come up with effective local leadership?

I don’t agree. We have a strong battery of local leadership. Our President Bhagwant Mann has been able to effectively raise the issues of farmers. Other leaders have also raised issues that matter to the people of Punjab. And in all this, the local unit has been very vocal.

Then why the delay in declaring the CM face? Kejriwal had announced long ago that this would be a Sikh face that the whole of Punjab would be proud of and it would be announced soon. It hasn’t happened.

Look, these cases take time. The counseling will start at our PAC level and the right announcement will be made at the right time.

But will the decision be taken by Arvind Kejriwal or the local leadership?

The central leadership, in consultation with the local Punjab leadership, will arrive at a final decision as to who will be the chief minister’s face. Discussions will take place soon and local leaders will definitely be a part of the process.

Some of your senior party leaders like Bhagwant Mann had remarked that some party workers were getting worried about the delay in the name of CM face. Are there differences of opinion on this issue?

off course not. All the local leaders are working together. Mann has also met Kejriwal and said that there is no difference of opinion. Punjab AAP is completely united on every issue. As Kejriwal said, Punjab will be proud of the decision taken by us on the election of the Chief Minister.

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