Python Challenge Hosted in Florida, Excited Participants Post Courageous Photos

The picture shows a python captured by a group of people in Florida, USA.

Florida in the United States is hosting a python challenge with hundreds of participants taking part, a report in newsweek Told. The event is taking place in the Everglades, which spans nearly 4 million acres in southern Florida, and is home to an incredible variety of animals. The outlet further said that the challenge, approved by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, began on August 5 and will continue through August 14.

This important environment in the Everglades is full of biodiversity; In the national park alone, there are over 360 bird species, 300 fish, 50 reptiles, 40 mammals, and innumerable insect species.

In the dragon challenge, participants try to kill as many Burmese pythons as they can. according to Website At the time of occurrence, the Burmese python poses a threat to the Everglades environment and its natural species, including migratory birds, small animals and reptiles.

“If you have just seen a live Burmese python or other non-native snake, please report it to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission Exotic Species Hotline by calling 888-Ive-Got1,” the website said.

Many who took part in the challenge posted their pictures on social media with the python they caught. These photos have been shown by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission on its Twitter handle.

“You can win $10,000. The Ultimate Grand Prize if you remove the most pythons during this year’s Florida Python Challenge, thanks to Bergeron @evergfoundation,” it said in a post that featured one participant fully stretched. Was shown posing with python.

A user named Casey DeSantis shared some of the photos on Twitter and wrote, “More than 800 people from 32 states in the Everglades with alligator Ron and other great environmental advocates to hunt pythons to launch the 2022 Florida Python Challenge.” It’s great to be involved in what is unfortunately causing damage to our Everglades ecosystem.”

The post garnered thousands of likes and hundreds of comments.

The exact number of Burmese pythons in Florida is unclear, but Newsweek reports that the number is more than 100,000.