Quad countries sign humanitarian aid disaster relief guidelines – Times of India

New Delhi: Four countries Tractor The grouping signed the humanitarian aid disaster relief guidelines at a meeting of its foreign ministers here on Friday, a move welcomed by India as “extremely timely”.
foreign Minister S Jaishankar Said it is an “especially timely meeting” as the world is going through a very difficult period.
“We have a few years ahead of Quad. Given the turbulent times, it is especially important that we move Quad forward in the creative agenda that we have set out for ourselves, that we really work together to deliver public goods. work,” he said.
“Especially what we are signing today is extremely timely. And today, I think it is also an opportunity for us to discuss strengthening the multilateral system,” he said.
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken Said the meeting is proof that the Quad is strong and is going strong.
“Strengthening our multilateral cooperation. I think our countries are well aware that the important challenges we face and the opportunities that lie ahead of us demand more than ever that we work together.
“None of us alone can do what is necessary to meet these challenges. And take advantage of these opportunities,” he said.
Quad grouping includes JapanIndia, Australia and United States of america, Four countries shaped the long-pending proposal to establish a “quad” or quadrilateral alliance to counter China’s aggressive behavior in the Indo-Pacific region in 2017.