Quad foreign ministers meeting today, Indo-Pacific region on the agenda

India is hosting the Quad Foreign Ministers’ meeting in New Delhi today, March 3. External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar will chair the meeting on Friday, while Foreign Minister of Australia, Foreign Minister of Japan and United States of America will participate.

It also comes as an opportunity for the ministers to continue the discussions held at their last meeting in New York in September 2022. The Foreign Ministers will exchange views on recent developments in the Indo-Pacific region and regional issues of mutual interest, guided by their vision. According to news agency ANI, of a free, open and inclusive Indo-Pacific.

In the meeting, he will also review the progress made by the department. Tractor In pursuance of its constructive agenda and implementation of initiatives to address the contemporary priorities of the sector.

United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Japanese Foreign Minister Hayashi Yoshimasa, Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong and Indian Foreign Minister S Jaishankar will participate in the Quad summit.

Earlier in February, the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, or Quad comprising India, the United States, Japan and Australia, launched a public campaign.Quad Cyber ​​Challenge‘ to improve cyber security in their countries. It invited internet users in the Indo-Pacific and beyond to be part of the challenge and practice “safe and responsible cyber habits”.

ANI reported that the ‘Quad Cyber ​​Challenge’ reflects the Quad nations’ continuous efforts to increase cyber security awareness and action and promote a more secure and resilient cyber ecosystem to benefit economies and users.

In an official statement, the National Security Council Secretariat said that internet users in the Indo-Pacific and beyond are being invited to join the challenge and pledge to practice safe and responsible cyber habits.

The challenge reflects the continued Quad efforts to strengthen cyber security awareness and action of individuals and communities, as well as foster a more secure and resilient cyber ecosystem to benefit economies and users everywhere.

Following the Quad Senior Cyber ​​Group meeting in New Delhi on January 30 and 31, the group said it is working on identifying best security practices for software services and products and minimum critical infrastructure cyber security requirements.

The group also supported the Counter Ransomware Initiative (CRI) efforts (of which quad country Members) to drive international cooperation and joint action to combat ransomware, including sharing of best practices regarding information and intelligence exchange, policy and legal authority framework, and legislation to conduct counter ransomware activities Includes co-operation between enforcement and cyber authorities.

(With ANI inputs)

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