Quad Partnership On Track To Produce 1 Billion Covid Jobs In India, Says Joe Biden


The Quad partnership is on track to produce at least one billion vaccine doses in India by 2022, US President Joe Biden said on Wednesday, adding that nothing is more important than working together to defeat COVID-19. No, so the world is much better prepared for future pandemics.

The United States and its international partners are working to rapidly ramp up vaccine manufacturing to other countries around the world so they can manufacture as well, Mr Biden said in his virtual summit at the Global Summit to End COVID-19. Said in the speech.

“We are working with partner countries, pharmaceutical companies and other manufacturers to increase their capacity and capability to produce and manufacture safe and highly effective vaccines in their countries,” Mr Biden said.

“For example, our Quad partnerships with India, Japan and Australia are on track to help India produce at least 1 billion vaccine doses by the end of 2022 to boost global supply. And we finance are providing nutrition and helping to strengthen manufacturing. South Africa, and produces more than 500 million doses of J&J in Africa for Africa next year,” he said.

The Quad Grouping consists of Australia, India, Japan and the United States.

Stating that nothing is more important than all of them working together to defeat COVID-19 and that the world is going to be better prepared for future pandemics, Mr Biden said That he is keeping the promise that America will become an arsenal of vaccines. It was the arsenal for democracy during World War II.

The US has already shipped about 160 million doses to 100 countries, more than every other country combined. America’s donation of half a billion to Pfizer vaccines through COVAX, which he announced ahead of the G-7 summit in June, has already begun to ship, Mr Biden told the virtual summit from the White House.

“Today, I’m announcing another historic commitment. The United States is buying another half a billion doses of Pfizer to donate to low- and middle-income countries around the world. That’s another half a billion doses that All will be shipped by this time of year, and this brings our total commitment to charity, to more than 1.1 billion vaccines to be donated,” Mr. Biden said.

“Put another way, for every shot we’ve had in America so far, we’re committed to giving the rest of the world three shots,” he said. in this regard.

“They have been and will continue to be partners and leaders of this fight. The United States is leading the world on vaccination donations. As we do so, we need to make ambitious vaccine donations of our own to other high-income countries. And so today we are launching the EU-US Vaccine Partnership so that we can work closely with our partners and expand global immunization.”

(This story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)


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