Queen Elizabeth’s health: Prince Harry going alone to see the Queen in Scotland

Queen Elizabeth II has been placed under medical supervision as doctors are “concerned for Her Majesty’s health,” Buckingham Palace said on Thursday, as members of the royal family arrived in Scotland at the 96-year-old monarch’s side.

The palace’s announcement came a day after the Queen canceled a virtual meeting of her Privy Council after doctors advised her to rest after a full day of events on Tuesday, when she formally appointed Liz Truss as Britain’s prime minister. asked to become

In line with customary policy, a spokesman for the palace said on condition of anonymity: “After further evaluation this morning, the Queen’s doctors are concerned for Her Majesty’s health and have advised her to remain under medical supervision.” “The Queen lives comfortably and at Balmoral.”

08 September 2022, 09:44:12 PM IST

‘God save the Queen’: Londoners and tourists wish the monarch

“Get well soon” was the message from Londoners and tourists on Thursday when doctors said they were concerned about Queen Elizabeth’s health.

“Everyone is really tense about it, we’ve had him for 70 years so we need to digest the whole thing because it happened so suddenly,” London resident Sharon Gove said outside Buckingham Palace.

“Two days ago she was with the new prime minister then suddenly everyone is worried about her. So it’s not great but god save the queen!”

Members of the royal family accompanied the 96-year-old monarch to their Scottish home, Balmoral Castle, where they had appointed Liz Truss as the new British prime minister, on Tuesday.

08 September 2022, 09:38:32 PM IST

Crowds gathered outside Buckingham Palace

Crowds gathered outside Queen Elizabeth II’s Buckingham Palace residence in London on Thursday as concerns grew over the 96-year-old’s health.

According to AFP, about 100 people faced torrential downpours to stand at the gates of the palace as the senior royals arrived in Balmoral, Scotland, where the Queen was being treated by doctors.

08 September 2022, 09:37:46 PM IST

Biden’s thoughts on the Queen, her family

US President Joe Biden has been briefed about the Queen’s health. His thoughts are on the Queen and her family, the White House said,

08 September 2022, 09:23:39 PM IST

The family rushes to stay with the queen

Officials said his eldest son and heir Prince Charles and his wife Camilla accompanied their eldest son Prince William to their Scottish home, Balmoral Castle, where she is staying. Her other children – Anne, Andrew and Edward – were also due to be in the palace.

Britain’s Prince Harry is traveling alone to Scotland with his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth, without his wife Meghan, after doctors expressed concerns about his health on Thursday, PA Media reported.

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