Quick Lunch Recipe: How To Make Tawa Pulao in Just 10 Minutes

Days of the week can be overwhelming at times, especially when we have to balance our work as well as household chores. On top of that, cooking daily meals takes the pressure off! What do we do then? Let me tell you, leaving food on the list is also not an option. In such a situation, the next option is to order food from outside. But is this a sustainable model? We are afraid, it is not so. That’s why we suggest always keeping quick recipes on hand. That’s right. The internet is full of recipes that are easy, delicious, comforting and can be prepared in the blink of an eye.

Recently, while searching for one such recipe, we came across a dish that instantly made us smile. And later, we tried to make it at home; And voila! We found the perfect dish to prepare for lunch during paucity of time. Wonder what the dish is! it’s classic Tawa Pulao, While Tawa Pulao is a common dish for all, what makes this particular recipe stand out is the timing of its cooking. You can prepare it in just 10 minutes (given that the basic preparation is done in advance). And even if you start this recipe all over again, it won’t take you more than 20-30 minutes to make the dish. sounds perfect; Isn’t it? so what are you waiting for? Put on your apron and go to the kitchen.

Read also: How to make Matka Pulao – A nutritious pulao recipe that you must try

Quick Tawa Pulao Recipe for Lunch | How to make Tawa Pulao in 10 Minutes:

To make Tawa Pulao, you need cauliflower, beans, carrot, ghee, onion, tomato, garam masala, salt, coriander, mint, birista (brown onion) and, of course, pre-cooked rice.

First, chop the vegetables and blanch them. Then heat ghee in a pan and add onion to it. Fry the onion till golden brown. Then add tomatoes and garam masala.

finally, add the pre-cooked rice, salt and mix everything well on the pan. Serve hot garnished with coriander, mint and barista.

click here For a detailed recipe of 10 Minute Tawa Pulao for Quick Lunch.

Try the dish and let us know how you liked it. And for more quick lunch recipes like this one, click here,