Quit Congress, Join BSP, Quit BSP, Lead Congress – Why do some UP Congress leaders see merit in this?

wooBy the grace of God, Congress has got its new state president Brijlal Khabri in Uttar Pradesh. Naseemuddin Siddiqui and Nakul Dubey are also among the new regional presidents of the Congress. The three leaders were once members of the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP). Now they are in senior positions in Congress. Many Congress members who have spent most of their political life in the party feel ‘cursed’. They are now contemplating whether it is pointless to be a ‘true born’ Congressman. Some of those who have managed to reach out to the AICC are now asking whether it would be a good idea to join the BSP and return to the Congress later, as it may increase the chances of getting the state president’s ‘chair’. Some other Congressmen are heard saying that their stature is worse than a paise. Even bad money has some ‘value’ attached to it.

You reap what you sow

But some celestial angel seems to have whispered a consoling mantra in the ears of these ‘true born’ Congressmen. “Hey son, why do you worry so much? It is true that Congress has named one state president and six regional presidents in UP, but you should see the bigger picture. The life of a regional president in Congress is more than six months. Less happens. Look, not even a bouquet has reached Nehru Bhavan, not far from a grand ceremony. That’s because only one of the seven presidents has a Congress background. The rest of them are turncoats from other parties. And oh Great candidates for the post of state president, it is your own actions that are responsible for your present situation. After all, you are the one who has said that you will report directly to the state in-charge. Have you forgotten how old things like spines etc. are? Have you gone?”

The ‘young’ will come together again

Both are ‘young’ 50s. Discussions about the possibility of them getting back together have started gaining momentum. This time their alliance is happening for the Lok Sabha elections. Earlier, when he had joined forces for the 2017 assembly election, it had ended in a ruckus. The new coalition managers are claiming that the situation has changed now. Still, the multi-billion dollar question remains, how many seats will Congress have to contest?

Only power knows the price of power

The political situation that has developed in Rajasthan has forced many powerful officers to make arrangements for their deputation to Delhi. The word ‘powerful’ to them means ‘absolutely powerful’.

Read also: Mohan Bhagwat’s Masjid Yatra left the BJP unheard. Only Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi is smiling

alternative way of politics

These days if you aspire to meet Niranjan Arya, the former Chief Secretary of Rajasthan, you will be in for a complete surprise. What to say about his full strength? There used to be a crowd before them too; But now no minister, no builder, no politician can match his charisma. Nowadays he is the Chief Advisor to the Chief Minister. The present situation suggests that there is an alternative course of politics.

Confusion in Bihar’s caste court

BJP’s Bihar in-charge Vinod Tawde has become very nervous. He wanted to take a closer look at the caste equation of the state during his visit to Madhubani. When the person deputized to explain this began describing dozens of sub-castes within the so-called ‘upper castes’ as well as various categories of Dalits within the community, Tawde lost his nerves. He is said to have clearly told the officers that they should be informed only about those castes in a very simple way – all those who fall in the Forward Caste category, and all those who fall in the Backward Classes and Dalits.

5G Smartphone? not a problem

The recent launch of 5G services has not at all worried BJP workers to buy new smartphones. cause? Most of these workers are considered close to some senior party leader. Now, when these leaders ‘receive’ new 5G-enabled smartphones as gifts, at least one in 5-10 such phones will surely fall into the hands of activists close to them. problem solved. By the way, requests in this regard are already being submitted. It is being predicted that this year Diwali will be dominated by mobile phones in the bouquet of gifts.

Have guts? Let’s meet

Usually BJP workers complain that the party’s national general secretary (organisation) does not give them any appointment. But there is a general secretary who has adopted such a unique method of meeting that the workers themselves do not dare to seek re-appointment. This general secretary makes all the workers sit in a room and wait. He arrives a short time later, and after exchanging pleasantries, orders tea for all of them. At the same time, all of them start watching the recorded video of any historical event or speech of a senior leader of the party. A few minutes later, the Secretary-General leaves the meeting on the pretext of making or receiving a phone call and returns hours later. By then nine out of ten are gone.

Bharat Agarwal is the Executive Director and columnist of Dainik Bhaskar Group.

Translated from the original by Ram Lal Khanna and edited by Prashant, by special arrangement with Dainik Bhaskar.