“Rahul Gandhi has violated protocol 113 times”: Central force hits back

CRPF said all security guidelines were followed during Delhi March

new Delhi:

Rahul Gandhi broke security protocol on several occasions during the Delhi leg of the Bharat Jodo Yatra, the central paramilitary force CRPF has said, refuting the Congress allegation of breach in its leader’s security during the December 24 march.

The central force’s response comes a day after Congress general secretary KC Venugopal wrote to Union Home Minister Amit Shah, alleging that the Delhi Police had completely failed to ensure Mr Gandhi’s safety as the yatra passed through the capital. Had passed The party demanded proper security for the leader, who enjoys Z+ cover, when the yatra enters sensitive areas of Punjab and Jammu and Kashmir.

The CRPF, in its rebuttal, has said that the security arrangements for Mr. Gandhi are made by the CRPF in coordination with the state police and other agencies. The force said an advance security liaison was held two days in advance for the December 24 event. An advance security liaison refers to a meeting of security agencies to plan the security of VIPs for a major event.

The CRPF said that all security guidelines were strictly followed on the day of the march and the Delhi Police said that adequate deployment of security personnel has been done.

Accusing Rahul Gandhi of repeatedly breaking security protocols, he said, “Security arrangements made for the protected person work well when the protectee himself follows the prescribed security guidelines. However, it has been pointed out that That on many occasions safety guidelines are violated.” Shri Rahul Gandhi’s share has been observed and this fact has been communicated to him from time to time.”

The paramilitary force said Mr Gandhi had broken protocol 113 times since 2020. “It may also be mentioned that during Delhi leg of Bharat Jodo Yatra, the person being protected has violated the security guidelines and CRPF will take up the matter separately.”

The Congress had yesterday alleged that the Delhi Police, which comes under the Ministry of Home Affairs, “completely failed to control the growing crowd and maintain the perimeter” around Mr Gandhi during the march on December 24.

It added that the situation was so dire that Congress workers and passengers accompanying Gandhi had to form a security cordon. The Delhi Police, it said, remained a “mute spectator”.