Rahul Gandhi will vacate his official residence today, officials will hand over the keys

Congress MP Gandhi will vacate his official residence today. (file photo)

New Delhi:

Congress MP Gandhi (Rahul Gandhi) was sentenced to two years in the ‘Modi surname’ defamation case (defamation case) by the court of law, after which Rahul Gandhi was declared disabled as an MP to vacate his official residence. The order was given. After this, Rahul Gandhi got his case attached at the official residence of his mother Sonia Gandhi. Rahul Gandhi will take oath today, April 22, at 12, Tughlaq Lane Complex in the evening.

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On April 14, Rahul Gandhi moved his office and some personal belongings from the bungalow to his mother Sonia Gandhi’s official residence. Sources said Gandhi had taken his remaining belongings from the property on Friday evening. This bungalow was given to him as an MP. A truck with their belongings was seen leaving the building. He was living in this bungalow for almost two decades.

Sources said that after changing his office, he has already started living with his mother and Congress Mandal Party President Sonia Gandhi at her 10, Janpath residence. On March 23, the court convicted Rahul Gandhi in the defamation case and sentenced him to two years’ imprisonment, after which he was disqualified as an MP. He challenged the judge’s order in the court’s sessions court, which rejected his appeal to set aside the sentence. The Congress party has said that the order of the court’s decision will be challenged in the High Court next week.

asked to vacate the workplace today
Regarding the allegations related to the Members of Parliament, Rahul Gandhi had asked to release these allegations by 22 April. Let me tell you, a few years ago Photograph Gandhi Vadra was also asked to vacate the bungalow located in Lodhi property after going under SPG security cover. Rahul Gandhi was first elected as an MP from Amethi in Uttar Pradesh in 2004 and won the Lok Sabha elections from Wayanad in 2019.

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