Rajasthan: Cabin’s body handed over from Nagpur to Nagaur amid family’s opposition

One report has been kept up-to-date.


35 Years Appointment to Management (rape) Appointment of family members of the family and management of the management in relation to the management of the management in relation to the management of the management of the morgue for Saman Singh in the wee hours of the old time Nagaur K Didwans will be the collector. In the state of disease it is in the state of being disease.

this also further

The bodies were the health updates of the Didwan Sarkar of Kour. To enable power is required to function, the doctor said that “at three o’clock in the morning 200 to 300 kar, the battery and the body will be prepared from the new battery.” The daughter was cremated, that was it.

Deedwan’s competitor Gomaram Choudhary said that he would deedwan the body early in the morning and would be a member of the family. It was said as it was (postmortem). According to the police, on February 4, the woman was raped by two men, strangulated her and fled in an injured condition near a dry pond in Didwana, Nagaur. When the patient got this condition at night, he was admitted to Ahmedabad.

The Bureau will die in your Sawaiman Singh on 17th February. Meanwhile, the female insect is supposed to benefit 50 lakhs to Lal Meena’s female and work for one member of the family. It is said that “the pathologist of the perpetrator of Diwan infected the doctor with the doctor.”

According to the reports, “Akg Gehlot GG, the officer of the complainant claimed. In the former situation, Vapravahi wrongly caused the environment and wrongly subscribed Prahlas Singh. One case was investigated.

(news said)
