Rajasthan: Sachin Pilot’s ‘Jan Sangh Padyatra’ covered a distance of about 30 kms on the third day

Raipur: Former Deputy Chief Minister Sachin Pilot’s ‘Jan Sangh Pad Yatra’ continues on Saturday due to paper leak of government recruitment exams in Rajasthan and has covered a distance of about 30 kms. The yatra started from Dudu this morning and reached Palu village for rest. Thousands of his supporters are accompanying the pilot. In the evening of the journey reach Nasnoda village of Jaipur district. The journey will resume on Sunday morning.

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Committed Congress leader Sachin Pilot on Thursday began the 125-km Tuesday-Jaipur ‘Jan Sangh Yatra’ and is accompanied by a large number of supporters. At the same time, Pilot termed the victory of the Congress with a huge majority in the Karnataka assembly elections as the defeat of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)’s misgovernance and inglorious victory. He tweeted, “Heartiest congratulations to the people of Karnataka, Congress leaders and candidates for the Congress’s landslide victory in the Karnataka Assembly elections. Fed up with the unlimited and unbridled corruption of the BJP, the people of Karnataka have shown the way out of power by rejecting the BJP’s misgovernance and undemocratic key.

The pilot started his five-day walk on Thursday from Tuesday. This is being seen as a strategy to put pressure on Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot and the Congress high command in this election year in Rajasthan. Assembly elections are due later this year and the Congress is hoping to form its government again from here.

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