Rajya Kumar canceled the state meeting, did not spoil the speech

Once again announced the start of the public’s court program


The Chief Minister of Bihar appointed the chief member of his state (Nitish Kumar), who was saying that these are certain. In the morning session of Bihar on Thursday, during the morning voting, a clarification will be given on the morning ki baat ki baat. Nitish said that his desire to become a Virayak was fulfilled in 1985, similarly his desire to become an MP was in 1989. Subsequent service of Bihar In 2005, Sapbi Bhoot and Bakal did not make any person of his own. Nitish

this also further

After joining the program of this time, the date of posting was fixed in the order after posting to the post of Prime Minister of the state. So the communication thread will communicate with the family type of communication. BJP MLA Vinay Bihari demanded several times in front of the media to replace Nitish with Deputy Chief Minister Tarkishore Prasad as the Chief Minister, but he was not advised by the party leadership to avoid such statements.

Updated Updated Updated. It was said that the face of Patna has also changed. Once again it was announced to start the public’s court program. They were spoiled because of spoilage.