Ramadan 2022: 5 Healthy Sehri Recipes You Must Try During Ramzan

The holy month of Ramzan has come to a close and preparations are at its peak among the Muslim community. Also known as Ramadan, it is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, celebrated by Muslims around the world as a month of fasting, prayer and self-reflection. In the month of Ramadan, people abstain from eating food and water throughout the day and break their fast with evening prayers and iftari. It is said that the ritual of fasting helps people to connect and sympathize with the less fortunate and restore faith in Allah’s blessings. This year Ramadan is starting from 2nd April 2022.

A typical day during Ramadan begins with a meal called ‘sehri’ or ‘suhoor’ in the morning. Best of all, it is packed with mouth-watering delicacies that must be eaten before sunrise to fill you up and help keep you hydrated for the rest of the day. This is why health experts suggest including healthy and nutrient-rich foods during sehri for the whole day. According to consultant nutritionist Rupali Dutta, “For Sehri, one should include enough fluids, carbs and fiber in one’s diet. This will result in you fasting for about 12 hours a day without food and water.”

Keeping this in mind, we bring you some super easy, healthy and nutrient-rich recipes that can be prepared for Sehri. let’s take a look.

Ramadan 2022: Here are 5 healthy sehri recipes for you:

fruit salad:

Fruits are considered a superfood and there is no doubt about it. This is the reason why experts suggest adding seasonal fruits to the Sehri plate to maintain the body’s water balance and flush out toxins. We bring you a delicious fruit salad recipe which is not only easy to make but also packed with many health benefits. Click here for the recipe.

Oats Yogurt Parfait:

Oats are known to be a storehouse of fiber, protein and many essential nutrients. Yogurt, on the other hand, acts as a great probiotic that helps with our gut-health. Here we have a quick recipe that brings together the goodness of both oats and curd in one bowl. Check out this Oats-Yogurt Parfait Recipe Here,

Oats Kheer:

We have found for you another recipe based on oats in Sehri Ki Thali. This is a hearty pudding of oats. Here a quintessential kheer is given a healthy spin by mixing the goodness of oats (instead of rice), dates, almonds, raisins and bananas. Click here for the recipe.

trail mix:

We all know that dry fruits and dry fruits have a stable place in the Sehri plate. What about making some super seeds and trail mix for sehri?! Super seeds, dry fruits and nuts are packed with every essential nutrient that our body needs to keep it healthy and nourished throughout the day. Click here To learn how to make trail mix at home.

Coconut-Lemon Pani:

As mentioned earlier, staying hydrated is of utmost importance to maintain your health throughout the month of Ramadan. This is why we bring you a healthy coconut water based drink that contains a good amount of vitamins and minerals, which help in replenishing the electrolytes in the body. Click here for the recipe.

Now that you have these quick and healthy recipes, make them for sehri and start the month of Ramadan healthy.