Rava Uttapam: A quick and easy recipe for a South Indian breakfast

South Indian food indeed holds a special place in our hearts. Be it a comforting idli-sambar or a glass of filter coffee, there is something delicious in every dish! Apart from the usual dishes made from rice, rava or semolina is also used abundantly in various dishes. Plain grains are a quick and easy alternative to fermented batter and can be used to prepare any dish within minutes. From rava masala dosa to rava appe, we have come across many south indian recipes made with rava or semolina. But have you heard of Rava Uttapam? This chewy and flavourful dish makes for an ideal South Indian breakfast.

rava uttapam is nothing but the usual uttapam recipe with a twist of semolina or rava. The batter is not made from rice or dal but semolina is used instead. This gives the uttapam a nice and chewy texture that tastes irresistible! Besides, in addition Semolina This means that the batter does not need to be fermented for long. Instant Rava Uttapam can be prepared within minutes without much hassle. Thus, you can pack it for breakfast or lunch, and it can also be a healthy addition to your kids’ tiffin box.

(Also Read: 5 Rava-Based South Indian Breakfast Recipes We All Love,

Rava Uttapam is a great and simple breakfast. photo credit: iStock

How to make Rava Uttapam | quick and easy rava uttapam recipe | South Indian Rava Uttapam

To make Rava Uttapam, you just need a few simple ingredients which are easily available in the kitchen. You can substitute any local or seasonal vegetables in this recipe according to the produce available in your local markets. There is also an interesting tadka in this recipe, but it is completely optional. Also, remember to add the soda at the very end to keep the batter fluffy!

  • First, mix the semolina with curd and slowly add water to make a thick batter. Let it rest for a couple of minutes.
  • Add vegetables, spices and spices to it uttapam batter, Adjust water if necessary. You can also make a tempering of mustard seeds and curry leaves to add to the batter, but it is completely optional.
  • Finally add fruit salt or baking soda and mix well. Now, heat a non-stick tava or griddle and lightly grease it.
  • Pour small portions of the rava uttapam batter and let it cook on medium-low heat. Once it is done, turn it over and cook on the other side. Serve hot with chutney of your choice!

For the complete recipe of rava uttapam, click here,

so what are you waiting for? Don your aprons and try this instant rava uttapam recipe. Trust us, this will become your favorite South Indian breakfast and you will enjoy this dish again and again.

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About Aditi AhujaAditi loves talking and meeting like-minded foodies (especially those who love vegetarian momos). Plus points if you get his bad jokes and sitcom references, or if you recommend a new place to eat.