Ready to test your IQ? solve this puzzle in just 10 seconds

Last Update: May 20, 2023, 11:00 IST

need a hint? Well, it is visible to you during the day. (Credits: Instagram)

Optical illusions have become a favorite pastime of the Internet, and they come in many forms such as puzzles and math problems.

Welcome to the world of optical illusions, where reality meets deception. And this amalgamation challenges our brains to solve unique puzzles. This new trend of decoding puzzles and optical illusions is gaining momentum as it sharpens one’s IQ, as well as reveals their personality traits. All in all, they are fun to try. These optical illusions, which come in a variety of puzzles, riddles and math questions, have become a favorite pastime of the Internet. And the user’s insatiable appetite for such mental exercises has been fueled by the internet with new optical illusions on a daily basis. One such puzzle is scratching the heads of social media users. You too can try it. To do this, all you have to do is answer one simple question.

A picture of him holding up the puzzle was shared by an Instagram page called Optical Illusion with the caption, “Puzzle time!” It was written on the picture, ‘I do not have wings, but I fly. Who am I?” Your time starts now. Start thinking. What is that thing which can fly but does not have wings? Think hard. The exam will definitely use your intelligence. And honestly Let me tell you, don’t be intimidated because it’s not as hard as it sounds. So, were you able to guess the correct answer? No? Need a hint? Well, it’s not a living thing and you see it during the day Now you can easily guess it.

Several users have flooded the comments section with countless guesses. It’s safe to say that a number of interesting answers have popped up in the comments. Answers such as “kite”, “wind” and “cloud” were among the most popular guesses.

Apart from this, many users gave funny answers like ‘Bhagwan’ and ‘Sapna’. A user hinted at the famous saying ‘time flies’ and guessed that “time” is the correct answer.

Some commented that the correct answer was “attitude”, while many guessed it to be a “rumour”.

One user made several wild guesses and commented, “Balloons, bubbles, wind, kites, clouds, UFOs, drones, I don’t know more stuff.” Some wrong answers that came up in the comments section are “drone” and “helicopter”.

What do you think is the correct answer? Do you agree with the majority that it is “the cloud”?