Reddit users debate “measuring vegetables in cups” in food recipes

Social media platforms these days are full of innovative food recipes and unique cuisines from around the world. On weekends, we often think of trying something new for lunch and scour the internet for that perfect dish. Following online instructions for preparing a dish may seem like the most convenient idea, but it has its challenges. Sometimes you are unaware of the spices used, you run out of key ingredients, or you don’t have the right utensils. Talking about this struggle, a Reddit user shared a post which sparked a debate on the platform.

The post read, “Rant: Measuring vegetables in cups! I hate it when a recipe says, “Use 8 cups of cabbage”, or “One cup of cabbage Carrot“. What’s a cup of cabbage? Do you sift it through a pile of cabbage? Can you jam as much cabbage as you can into a cup? Why can’t people buy a scale and weigh you like that? Can you tell? You think people would know better”. Take a look:

(Also Read: Reddit Users Discuss What Foods They Stopped Missing in Viral Thread,

Soon, users flooded the comments section and reacted to the post.

“The only sensible measure of how much to use would be weight. Volume is only for liquids, and even I myself prefer weight because it makes it easier to use just a simple measuring device. So Yes, the recipes I actually use are all translated into grams,” wrote one user.

Another person said, “I doubt I could fill a cup with half an onion to two onions easily.” say1 medium onion Still seems more useful, especially when planning what you’re going to buy at the store”.

One user joked, “They should measure volume in cubic yards like concrete. 0.00034 yards of onions”.

“A cup of basil. Do you mash the basil? Large leaves vs. small? Shaking a handful of basil makes it ten times its volume!! Ridiculous. My pesto comes out different every time,” read one comment.

Just add “metrics” when searching for recipes, one person suggested.

Last year, a video surfaced on the Internet that showed a kitchen hack Which makes it easy to measure ingredients. In the clip, a person suggests applying some non-stick spray on the spoon so that every time you add ingredients, the spoon doesn’t get sticky and you don’t have to clean it again.

What did you think of these cooking hacks? Tell us in the comments.

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