Reddit users discuss the most rated foods; Burger, Wedding Cake Make List

Have you ever been disappointed with a delicious looking dish? Perhaps, your friends recommended it to you or you saw it on a pamphlet that made you swoon. But as soon as you tasted it, you realized that the food was not as great as it was hyped about. Did you realize that some foods were, well, overrated? If you have encountered such situations then you would relate to some Reddit users who discussed the top overrated foods recently. It was sparked by a simple question, “Which food is overrated?” And it got a good response from the users. One user pointed to the delicious-looking burgers and burritos that have melted cheese on top. The user wrote, “Those ‘Instagramable’ burgers, burritos etc, all covered in melted cheese. Don’t cover things with liquid cheese. Drink this, coward.”

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Another user replied, “You mean that cheap yellow plastic they dare call cheese?” One user wrote that he loved seeing cheese in his burger. The comment read, “Yes, I love burgers, hotdogs, burritos that contain mayo and melted cheese, but I’d love it if they weren’t covering the whole wrap/bread from the sides, or wherever the meat is.” “ Commenting on similar lines, a user wrote, ‘Any burger that is so big that it cannot be lifted and cut. If I have to disassemble it, it is not a burger. One user revolted against the gold flakes on the food and wrote, “Gold flakes. It doesn’t taste good either.” Another user supported the argument by writing, “In addition, the gold and silver leaves used on sweets in many countries are impure. Tests found aluminum, lead, cadmium and some other metals in samples bought from stores. “ One user was totally against “bacon flavored/infused anything”. Another user was not happy with Garlic Bread. One user even noted that shark fin soup was not worth the time because it “has a mild flavor and little nutritional value.” One user said that the McRib tasted good but it was not worth the hype. Caviar and packaged beef jerky were also on the list of overrated foods. Another user who works at weddings said that the wedding cake was overrated. The user complained, “Most of them are just awful. I’ve only really enjoyed eating cake twice when I’ve done this job: once with some sort of special Korean cake, and one by the bride.” Made mom. And what’s worse, these cakes cost way too much!” One user complained that the fondant on the cake was overrated. Another comment complained about gourmet donuts.

So, which is the highest rated food you have? Tell us in the comments below.
