Register 853 new cases of corona in the west, 15 Jan Nei Jaan

symbolic picture.


The Western Health Department said on Thursday that 853 new cases of 24 Kovid-19 and 15 have been registered in the state. As for the stat’s health status, the number of active stats in the stat is 7,945. In 24 24 809 people defeated the intestine. With this, a total of 15,73,520 people have been cured of corona virus infection so far in West Bengal.

this also further

With the killing of 15 new people, the figure of badly killed was found to be 19,267. Question 98.30 and dateth 1.20 asked in western foundation.

54 new cases of corona smallpox infection in Delhi, 388 active patients

Give more than seven lakh doses in 24 states. So far 8,25,00,163 doses of corona medicine are being given.

Corona ducks in Delhi, cases are flawed
