Relax and slim down with this weight loss special raita

Summer diet is all about cool foods. We get relief from cold juices, cold ice cream and cooling foods. Since the Indian diet consists mostly of hot dishes, we are left with few options to eat and not break a sweat. Curd is the perfect food for everyday consumption in this season. It is cooling and healthy, and also aids our health in many ways. Our digestion often takes a hit in high temperatures, and curd comes to our rescue. Now we have another reason to enjoy this refreshing delight. Can there be any better reason than losing weight to encourage us to eat something? just good taste. And we both meet in this wonderful Raita!

Is it okay to eat raita during weight loss?

Curd made raita is beneficial probiotic Which keeps our digestive system running smoothly, and it helps in processing food faster, preventing fat accumulation. Also, the high calcium content in curd helps in maintaining the BMI level of the body.

Read also: 5 Fruit Raita Recipes You Must Try This Summer

Raita is a common food that we mix with our meals on a daily basis. What is special in this raita? This raita is made by mixing butter and curd. Makhana is a low-calorie food with high protein content, which makes it an excellent option for a weight loss diet. The addition of nutritious walnuts makes this raita super energizing and more nutritious. The crunch and nutty flavor further enhances its taste. The recipe of Makhana Raita was shared on Instagram page ‘fastcurries’ and we can’t wait to try it.

Makhana Raita Recipe. How to make Makhana Raita for weight loss:

To make this healthy raita, first dry roast the makhanas. Do not add any oil. Fry the makhanas till they turn brown, but keep in mind that the makhanas should not burn. Then let the makhanas cool down and grind them in a mixer till you get a grainy powder. Keep it aside.

Now roast the walnuts till they change color and smell. Transfer to a bowl, add curd, milk and sugar. Season with some common spices like black salt, chaat masala, ground cumin, salt, green chilies, red chili powder and garam masala. add Fox NutGarnish with fresh coriander and serve.

Pro tip: Keep the raita in the fridge for some time before serving. You will love the cooling effect it will bring on your mouth and stomach. But remember to add a little more water and milk as refrigeration can make the raita thicken.

read this also, Rajma Raita, Lobia Raita and more: 5 Protein-rich Raita Recipes You Must Try

This summer, cool off and lose weight at the same time.