Relief for TSRTC as State Consumer Commission sets aside district commission order directing it to compensate senior citizen

In a relief to the Telangana State Road Transport Corporation (TSRTC), the Telangana State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (TSCDRC) set aside an order of a District Commission that had directed payment of ₹10,000 as compensation to a senior citizen passenger who had complained that a seat was not given to him in contravention of rules.

The TSCDRC was dealing with an appeal filed by TSRTC. The respondent in the appeal was a man named Ch. Nagender.

The complainant claimed that he was suffering from pain in the knees and kidney ailments. He boarded the bus to travel to Bidar from Sangareddy, and paid ₹72 for the journey. He stated that seat numbers 14, 15 and 16 were reserved for senior citizens, as stated in TSRTC circulars, but this was not being enforced.

In the appeal, the TSRTC contended that the district commission had not considered the fact that the bus was overcrowded when Mr. Nagender boarded it. All seats reserved for MP, MLA and MLC seats were occupied by senior citizens. The seats reserved for senior citizens too were occupied by them and this was mentioned in the day’s booking record. No assurance of a seat exists and Mr. Nagender did not complain either to the bus conductor or the depot manager. He did not request the conductor to give up his seat, the TSRTC contended.

Taking the evidence and arguments placed on record, the TSCDRC noted that the district commission’s order was based on circulars which Mr. Nagender had filed before the commission. The reserved seats were occupied by senior citizens which is why Mr. Nagender could not be “accommodated”. The TSRTC, the TSCDRC noted, contended that if requested by Mr. Nagender, the conductor would have offered him his seat. “The fact remains that only three seats are earmarked for senior citizens and those seats were already occupied in the bus full of passengers,” the TSCDRC stated.

Setting aside the order, the TSCDRC directed the TSRTC to withdraw the statutory deposit.