Religious leaders urge UN summit to fix climate crisis – Times of India

Rome: Religious leaders including the Pope Francis And the world’s top Sunni Islam cleric on Monday issued a petition calling for the upcoming UN climate conference to act boldly against global warming.
“Generations to come will never forgive us if we miss the opportunity to protect our common home. We have inherited a garden: we must not leave the desert for our children,” he said.
The appeal was presented at the Faith and Science: Towards COP26 conference, hosted by the Vatican ahead of the historic two-week COP26 summit in Rome, which begins on 31 October in Glasgow, Scotland.
“We urge the international community gathered at COP26 to take prompt, responsible and shared action to protect, restore and heal our wounded humanity and the home entrusted to our leadership,” it added.
climate change experts including hosung leeThe chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) also attended the Vatican conference and supported the appeal.
In a written note to participants, the Pope said: “COP26 in Glasgow represents an urgent summons to provide an effective response to the unprecedented ecological crisis and values ​​crisis we are currently facing.”
The Pope left the stage for other guests to deliver a speech, including the Al-Azhar Mosque and the grand imam of the university. Sheikh Ahmed Al-Tayeb, And Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople, spiritual leader of Orthodox Christians
Bartholomew co-signed the appeal “a powerful symbolic gesture” that stems from a “dialogue between all the religions of the world, united in their commitment to uphold the beauty and integrity of God’s creation”.
Last month, Francis, bartholomew And Archbishop Justin Welby, the Anglican leader of Canterbury – who also attended Monday’s conference – issued another petition calling for “everyone, whatever their belief or worldview, to strive to hear the call of the earth,” called upon.
Less than a month before the COP26 climate summit, world leaders are under unprecedented pressure to decarbonize their economies and steer humanity’s path away from catastrophic global warming.
But with parts of the world still reeling from the pandemic and countries already grappling with climate-driven disasters pleading for help, talks in Glasgow are likely to deteriorate.


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