Remember Jarvo69? YouTuber claims responsibility for sex noises during football broadcast; BBC apologizes for obscene audio

Last Update: January 19, 2023, 09:48 IST

Phone with Gary Lineker and Jarvo69 (Twitter)

YouTuber Daniel Jarvis claimed responsibility for the prank as the BBC apologized for obscene noises heard during the build-up to coverage hosted by Gary Lineker of the FA Cup clash between Wolves and Liverpool.

The BBC apologized on Wednesday after garbled audio from an obscene video was played during the broadcast of an FA Cup (Football Association Challenge Cup) football match on Tuesday.

BBC presenter Gary Lineker was discussing third round replays with pundits Paul Ince and Danny Murphy in a studio in Molineux when screams were heard in the background.

Read this also | Gary Lineker faces ‘sabotage’ of FA Cup coverage

The BBC issued a statement saying, “We apologize to any viewers who were offended during our live coverage of football this evening. We are investigating how this happened.”

As The Verge reports, studio staff were initially unable to locate the source of the noise, which began shortly after the show began and played repeatedly for about 15 minutes.

Host Gary Lineker (an English former football player) speculated on air that “somebody’s sending something to somebody’s phone, I think”.

Afterwards, Lineker tweeted a picture of a mobile phone with the adhesive pad on it and said: “Well, we found it taped to the back of the set. It was pretty amusing as the sabotage went on.”

During the half-time analysis, Lineker took the opportunity to shed further light on the bizarre incident.

Speaking to Ince and Murphy, he said of Liverpool’s opening goal: “Harvey Elliott’s goal was scary … that wasn’t the only goal we had tonight.”

The stunt went unnoticed by onlookers as the incident was widely shared on social media.

Additionally, YouTuber Daniel Jarvis has claimed responsibility for the prank, posting a video on Twitter outside the BBC studios at Molineux Stadium, the report said.

He tweeted, “Yes, it was me who joked with the sex phone on BBC Match of the Day.”

Jarvis, a member of the YouTube prankster group Trollstation, was convicted of a serious offense last October after attacking England cricketer Jonny Bairstow while invading the Oval pitch in south London during a Test match, the report said.

(with inputs from agencies)

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