Repeatedly sweetened to eat, tastes just as bad – WATCH VIDEO

The insect had repeatedly checked, it got spoiled only after tasting it.

Also love live videos (funny dog ​​videos) on the internet. Campaigns that run in a channel that is live live are on, they run over and over again. Cameka’s reaction in the video is fun. This happens when it gets spoiled again and again after eating chili peppers. ️ so much

this also further

The video uploaded to Reddit reads, “First experience with Capsicum.” There is a password that appears in the video, so is a PC with a colorful look. This is done after repeatedly sweetening in the video. This is how you taste black pepper in the video, as misread but misread.


, People who liked this posted on the video The person who liked this wrote, “Like this! .. I’m so cute.”

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