Republicans cheer Russian oil sanctions and Gare Biden for rising gas prices – The Henry Club

WASHINGTON – Republicans in Congress are backing President Joe Biden’s decision to ban Russian oil imports into the US, a much-anticipated move that may continue to move forward Gas prices at record high,

But in the same breath, GOP leaders — eager to win back the House and Senate this fall — are trying to capitalize on blaming Biden and his energy policies for overpaying Americans at the pump.

Republicans argue that Biden can have it both ways – approve Russian oil, but keep US prices down by allowing a massive increase in domestic production, which they argue will help Biden advance liberal environmental goals. is not helping. are doing.

But oil production is not a spigot that can only be flipped, and the domestic market has been stifled not only by federal regulations, but also by an international market that has driven down prices and made drilling unprofitable. Democrats point to thousands of wells that have been approved but are not being drilled.

The attacks highlight the precarious political situation facing Democrats in power as they try to punish Russian President Vladimir Putin for their war in Ukraine, struggle with rising inflation and gas prices, and in Congress. Protect their fragile majority.

“What I said is: ‘Stop buying oil from Russia but get it from America.’ [Biden] The first half will say but the second half will not. So what does he have against American energy?” House GOP whip Steve Scalise, who is from the oil-producing state of Louisiana, told NBC News. “He’s trying to point out to everyone in the world when we have to Something needs to be done that he needs to be under our feet.”

Tom Emer, the House Republican’s campaign chief in the 2022 election cycle, made it clear that rising gas prices and energy costs will be a major campaign issue as his party tries to flip a handful of seats and gain control of the lower house. Is. ,

“Well, they own it; they are the reason. They are the ones who shut it down in the first place, whether it was drilling on federal land, freezing all permits a few weeks ago,” Emmer said in an interview. Yes, the Keystone XL pipeline may have been killed. “They are as responsible for it as they are for inflation.”

Biden said Tuesday that it is “simply not true” that his policies are affecting domestic energy production, noting that US companies “pumped more oil” in their first year than their predecessor and the US ” Oil and gas production “close to record levels”.

He said oil and gas companies have millions of acres of land on lease and 9,000 approved permits are not being used for drilling for oil.

“Today’s decision is not without cost here at home. Putin’s war has already hurt Americans at the gas pump,” Biden said. “And with this action it is going to go even higher. I am going to do everything I can to reduce Putin’s price hike here at home.

“This is not the time for profiteering and price-raising,” he said.

In interviews, Democratic lawmakers said they are pointing fingers at poor faith about gas prices ahead of the 2022 election.

“I have no doubt that Republicans will cheerlead this ban and then spend the rest of the year criticizing the Biden White House for raising gas prices,” said Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Con. “I think we have to take an open look at how Republicans are not going to support the administration on the consequences of Ukraine and Russia’s energy policy.”

‘Any tool in the toolbox’

Rising gas prices create pocketbook tension for ordinary Americans who pay little attention to partisan politics but blame the party in the White House for the economic challenges.

Representative Mickey Sherrill, DNJ, who is facing a tough re-election bid, said Tuesday that the US should “stand up for Putin” as well as fight “to address affordability at home.” needed.

“So when we end all imports of Russian oil, I am asking for a gas tax holiday to reduce prices at the pump,” she said.

Republicans will likely make their case for voters.

“I can’t tell you what Republicans will do,” said Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto, D-Nev., who is up for re-election this fall. “I can tell you that my focus is only on Nevada and what people are doing in Nevada right now.”

Democratic adviser Jesse Ferguson said that “everyone agrees on the drug but Republicans want to blame Biden for the side effects,” and added that GOP lawmakers are concerned with Democrats’ plans to invest in domestic renewable energy in the social spending and climate package. are excited. strongly opposed.

“These are the same Republicans who voted against American-made clean energy – the type of clean energy that would make us no longer dependent on big oil companies and tyrants like Putin.”

Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin, D-Ill., said “certainly” Republicans will blame Democrats for the high gas prices as a result of the Russian import embargo.

“They will use any tool in the toolbox,” he said.

Still, Durbin said the policy was necessary.

“You can’t be on that phone call with the president [Volodymyr] Zelensky, as I was on Saturday morning, and realized that the man was risking his life for this cause, and say to the American people, we will not pay any price of gas at the pump as the cost of our participation in it. . Can’t even consider growth. ,” he said. “We need to stand by them and accept the fact that it may create some difficulty.”

Soon after Tuesday’s announcement, the Republican National Committee spoke of high gas prices and “pain at the pump” in an email, accusing Biden of trying to “suppress” American energy.

Former President Donald Trump issued a brief statement Tuesday morning that read in all caps: “Breaking news: Highest gas prices in history! Do you remember me yet?”

House Democratic Caucus Speaker Hakim Jeffries, DNY, called on Republicans to “provide no aid and comfort” to Putin by shifting the blame to high gas prices.

“We know they have the practice of doing it, because Donald Trump did it for four years, which may explain some of the brazenness we’re seeing in Eastern Europe at the moment,” he said.

Democratic presidential runner-up in 2016 and 2020, Bernie Sanders, I-VT, said Congress should combine the Russian import embargo with “an unexpected tax on oil companies”, alleging that highly profitable companies are using Huh. The upheaval and confusion during the war “as an opportunity to rip off the American consumer.”

He said the Congress should make a big investment in clean energy.

Sen. John Tester, D-Mont. Said oil import restrictions Republicans “have to do,” even if Republicans “absolutely” try to blame Democrats for the rise in oil prices.

“If we’re going to have more influence on Russia than ever, I think that’s how you do it,” he said.