Residents play coaches at summer camp

The valedictory function of a sports-driven summer camp organised by Jeevan Bhima Nagar Flat Owners Association has been inked in for May 30. There would be winners on the podium, and the not so lucky who would be cheering them. But the exercise is not about singling out the best talent in athletics, racquet and ball sports, but about driving a sports-driven lifestyle in the community.

The summer camp, which began in the first week of April, had sport enthusiasts in the community training children in table tennis, football, badminton and aerobics.

Suresh Mathew, a sports enthusiast, coached the students in table tennis and badminton. Francis Fernando, who represented the state in the Santosh Trophy in 1978, showed why it is important to stay fit in football before teaching the trainees how to dribble the ball.

Collin Zachariah, a student of medicine, coordinated the event with the support of a few other residents. Getting children to enrol for the camp was a challenge, says Collin, adding that to counter it posters were designed to drum up excitement around the camp. Besides, announcements were made in multiple WhatsApp groups.

More than 50 children took part in various sporting events.

“This was a big step towards weaning children away from gadgets and get them interested in sports,” says Suresh Mathew, a former university-level player. He says they plan to organise more such competitions and events on a periodic basis.

Jeevan Bhima is one of the oldest apartment societies in Anna Nagar with more than 900 flats. The community has table tennis facility, a badminton court and a few parks were other games are played. JBN World Cup Badminton and TT was conducted in the indoor stadium.

“We are planning to rope in more sports enthusiasts train the youngsters, in the future,” says Mathew, who is an executive committee member of the Association.