Restaurant-Style Chinese at Home! Achieve great taste with 5 proven tips

Post the pandemic, we have got into the habit of recreating restaurant-style food at home. Hence, it is now more important than ever that you know all the tips and tricks to get the perfect taste even in your homemade dish. Be it the perfect balance of spicy-sour flavor in sour water for chaat or the flaky outer covering of samosas, you can recreate everything at home – all you need to do is follow a few smart hacks. Today, we bring you some guaranteed tips that will help you cook your favorite noodles, Manchurian and other Chinese dishes just like the ones you enjoy at your local Chinese eateries. sounds perfect? So, without further ado, let’s take you through.

Read also: Craving Sugar? Avoid fried food with this no-fry veg Manchurian recipe

5 hacks to make restaurant style Chinese at home:

Tip 1. Boil the Noodles Right:

This is probably one of the most common problems people face while making noodles. They either leave it tough, undercooked or make it floppy and mushy. In either case, you end up ruining the dish. Celebrity chef Ajay Chopra comes up with an easy way to prepare noodles that are well cooked and not sticky. He says that never filter the noodles and run them under cold water. This makes the noodles sticky and mushy. Instead, drain the noodles in a colander, then spread them onto a large plate and sprinkle with a few drops of oil. Finally, separate noodles Lightly and put them aside for whenever you need them.

Tip 2. Cook your food in the right utensils:

Using the proper utensils is essential for cooking your Chinese food. If you pay attention, you’ll notice that restaurants use large woks to stir their noodles or prepare gravy. This is because the wok is spacious and allows everything to cook on an even flame. It also helps to enhance the flavours.

Tip 3. Always cook on high flame:

Indigenous Chinese preparations include stir-fry techniques. And this is best done over high heat. Chef Chopra explains that keeping all the ingredients handy, let the pan get very hot and then add the ingredients one by one. Always remember, overcooking spoils the taste of your favorite Chinese food.

Tip 4. Do not overcook vegetables:

We love crunchy cabbage, onions, carrots, and other vegetables in our noodles, dry chili chicken, and other delicious delights. Correct? To get the perfect crunch in your homemade Chinese, all you need to do is bring the vegetables to a boil and sauté on high heat for half a minute. Vegetables become soggy due to overcooking.

Tip 5. Use the Right Amount of Seasonings:

we understand, Desi Chinese Full of flavours. But don’t overdo it. If you think that adding more spices will make your food tastier, then let us tell you, it is exactly the opposite. Excess spice ruins a dish and makes it tasteless.

Now that you have the tips, make a plan and enjoy Chinese food at home this weekend. To help you with this, we have also put together a list of popular desi Chinese recipes that can be replicated in your own kitchen. Click here to find out more.