Reusable water bottles store 40,000 times more bacteria than a toilet seat, study says

reusable water bottle: Reusable water bottles have been popular for a while in terms of sustainability. But, as the “emotional support water bottle” craze swept across the internet, users of apps like TikTok and Instagram began to give alternatives to plastic bottles more personal significance. Despite the fact that we love our favorite ‘reusable’ water bottles – Yeti, Hydroflask, Stanley Cup, you name it – a new study has shown that if stored carelessly, So these trusty friends can house more germs than a toilet seat.

According to a recent study on the US website, reusable bottles can contain up to 40,000 times more bacteria than the typical toilet seat.

A team of researchers from US-based discovered two species of bacteria, gram-negative rods and bacillus, after rinsing a squeeze-top lid, spout lid, screw-top lid and stray lid three times each.

Spout, screw-top, stray and squeeze-top water bottles were all used in the study, which was carried out by researchers from a US-based group.

Several bottle components were ingested by the researchers, who then observed the colony-forming units (CFUs) that grew inside them. CFU is a measure used to determine the amount of bacteria present in any given sample.

“They are objects that cannot deceive us,” said Australian Catholic University clinical psychologist and hoarding disorder expert, Associate Professor Keong Yap, of the incident with objects used to calm children’s anxiety. (like stuffed toys). “They’re reliable and predictable, unlike the ones that can hurt us,” Yap said.

According to their study, some Bacillus species can cause gastrointestinal problems, while gram-negative bacteria can cause infections that are becoming more difficult to treat with drugs. According to their assessment of the cleanliness of bottles, compared to other household items, they harbor twice as many germs as a computer mouse, four times as many as a kitchen sink, and fourteen times as many as a pet’s water dish. Can

“The human mouth is home to a large number and range of different bacteria,” Dr Andrew Edwards, a molecular microbiologist at Imperial College London, told the New York Post. “So it’s not surprising that drinking utensils are covered in microbes,” he said.

However, even though the bottles can serve as a breeding ground for high numbers of bacteria, Dr. Simon Clarke said it is not dangerous. “I’ve never heard of anyone getting sick from bottled water. Similarly, the tap is apparently not a problem: When was the last time you heard of someone getting sick from pouring a glass of water from a tap?” Was? The water bottles are likely to be contaminated.” With bacteria that are already in people’s mouths,” comments Mr Clarke.

The scientists recommend washing reusable bottles with hot soapy water at least once a day and sanitizing them at least once a week to avoid drinking contaminated water.

(Disclaimer: This article is based on the general information available as per the study. Zee News does not confirm the same.)