Riding a motorcycle or scooter – must know these traffic rules

We often break traffic rules when we are in a hurry, but let’s assume that these are just for our safety. Governments around the world, including the Indian government, are focusing on measures to prevent road accidents. According to top World Health Organization (WHO) officials, more than 1.3 million people die each year in road traffic accidents ‘more than two every minute’, with nine out of 10 deaths occurring in low- and middle-income countries. Two wheelers and three wheelers are involved in about 30 percent of road accidents. So, if you are a motorcycle or scooter rider, the below mentioned traffic rules are essential to know for your own safety. Also, these rules will save you from heavy invoicing.

Riding a motorcycle or scooter? It is necessary to know these traffic rules:

Helmet use:

Even if you are driving a two wheeler and wearing a helmet, your life can be in danger and it can also give you a hefty fine. Yes, you read that right. As per the latest update, two-wheeler drivers who wear helmets ‘wrongly’ can be fined. The helmet should be worn properly and its strap should also be tied. If the helmet is uncovered, the rider will have to pay a fine of Rs 1,000.

According to the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH), all helmets should have the ISI mark. A transparent eye cover should be used in the helmet. It is also very important to have a BIS certificate for a helmet.

Ride in slippers:

For your safety and to protect yourself from challans, you must make sure to wear certain attire while driving a two wheeler in India. According to the Motor Vehicle Act, it is mandatory for two wheeler riders to wear completely closed shoes while driving. Those found violating the law can be fined one thousand rupees.

Loud exhaust/honing/modified two wheeler

Traffic police is running various campaigns to tackle noise pollution. The campaign aims to combat noise pollution, and vehicles that use pressure horns and modified silencers with loud noises will be fined. Violators will be fined Rs 1,000 as changing the silencer is a violation of the Certificate of Registration (RC).