Rights Forum welcomes SHRC’s order


People’s Watch, a Madurai-based human rights organisation, has welcomed the Tamil Nadu State Human Rights Commission (SHRC) order recommending the state government to pay Rs 5 lakh each to 15 victims in an alleged rape case of four women. Was. Four policemen attached to Tirukoilur station in November 2011. The SHRC has also recommended departmental action against the four policemen.

Henry, executive director of People’s Watch, said, “It is commendable that not only has the compensation been recommended, but the commission also directed prompt departmental action against police officers within three months and the filing of a final report in criminal cases against policemen.” Is.” Tifagne.

People’s Watch demands that the government not only pays a compensation of ₹75,00,000 to the SHRC but also ensures that the disciplinary action is completed within the stipulated time, that the chargesheet against the policemen be placed immediately and the SC/ST POA’s According to the consideration, the case should be completed. Act, 2016 within the next three months.

The matter needs public condemnation of such continued atrocities and should serve as a wake-up call to all IGs and ADGPs (L&O) of Tamil Nadu to not continue these acts of violence by our uniformed services. to be kept, said Mr. Henry Tifagne.

However, he added that it is also worth noting that such an important complaint by the SHRC has taken 10 years to complete.

Pointing out more than 30 vacancies in staff members, People’s Watch appealed to the Chief Minister to create a strong, well staffed, well funded, well trained and financially well supported State Human Rights Commission is required. SHRC), State Commission for Women (SCW), State Minorities Commission (SCM), State Commission for Protection of Child Rights (SCPCR), State SC/ST Commission (SC/ST), State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities (SCPWD) and a State Information Commission (sic).

He said that we no longer need nominal commissions, but independent, diverse, accountable, effective and transparent State Human Rights Institutions (SHRIs), which follow the United Nations guidelines, which have been established under the Paris Doctrine, 1991. known as.
