Rishi Sunak became the first UK PM of Indian origin, reshuffled the cabinet Dominic Raab got the post of Deputy Prime Minister

Image Source: AP During his first speech as PM, he promised to ‘correct the mistakes’ of his predecessor and focus on the needs of the country instead of politics.

Pride swept across the hearts of Indians across the world as Rishi Sunak took over as Britain’s first Indian-origin prime minister on Tuesday. During his first speech as PM, he promised to ‘correct the mistakes’ of his predecessor and focus on the needs of the country instead of politics. The 42-year-old investment banker-turned-politician is the youngest British Prime Minister in 210 years. Sunak is also the first Hindu Prime Minister of Britain. Sunak insists he is “not fearless” with the high position he has accepted and hopes to meet their demands.

He said of his predecessor, Liz Truss, “I admired her penchant for creating change. But some mistakes were made. Not born out of malice or bad intentions. Quite the contrary, but mistakes nonetheless.” The leaders of my party, and partly your prime minister, to fix them. And that work begins immediately,” Sunak said as he sought to bring stability to Britain after months of political and economic turmoil.

Sunak, the second prime minister in as many months and the third this year, said, “I will unite my country not with words but with action. I will work day and night for you.” Sunak, son-in-law of Infosys co-founder Narayana Murthy, warned of “difficult decisions to come” and, pointing to his record as chancellor of the treasury during the pandemic, promised he would have “the same compassion” for the challenges ahead. Will bring

“I am ready to lead our country in the future, to put our needs above politics, to reach out and form a government that represents the best traditions of my party. Together we achieve incredible things. We will make one. Many have created a future worthy of sacrifice and fill with hope tomorrow and every day after that.”

On a somewhat defiant note to address the opposition’s uproar for the general election, he stressed that the mandate the Conservative Party received in the 2019 general election is not an individual’s sole asset – a reference to former Prime Minister Boris Johnson. – But ‘a mandate that belongs to and unites us all’. “Congratulations Rishi Sunak on this historic day, it’s a moment for every conservative to extend their full and wholehearted support to our new PM.” Johnson tweeted.

Sunak initiates cabinet reshuffle, replaces Chancellor Jeremy Hunt

After taking office, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak began keeping his top team with key cabinet appointments and decided to hire new Chancellor Jeremy Hunt for economic stability. In another move aimed at continuity, James Cleverley will remain in his position as foreign secretary, despite not being loyal to Sunak.

Hunt, who was parachuted by former prime minister Liz Truss earlier this month and overturned his tax-cutting mini-budget, has been an ally of Sunak and was widely expected to keep his job. . It was also expected to be one of the first announcements as a signal to the financial markets, which have been quite calm since Sunak’s Diwali victory.

Hunt tweeted shortly thereafter, “This is going to be tough. But protecting vulnerable people and people’s jobs, mortgages and bills will be at the forefront of our minds as we work to restore stability, confidence and long-term growth.” We do.” Another close aide, Dominic Raab, who served as deputy prime minister and justice secretary in the Boris Johnson-led cabinet, returned to twin positions under Sunak. Raab, who was the main cheerleader for Sunak during his latest run for the Tory leadership, was widely tipped for a cabinet return.

Meanwhile, Liz Truss of the governing Conservative Party and many from the Boris Johnson faction resigned soon after Sunak took office at 10 Downing Street, with Indian-origin MP Alok Sharma losing his Cabinet Office ministerial role and leaving only COP26. continued to hold talks as the Chairman of the of the UK at COP27 in Egypt next month. Jacob Rees-Mogg resigned as business secretary, Brandon Lewis as justice secretary, Kit Malthhouse as education secretary and Sri Lankan-born Ranil Jayawardene as environment secretary.

Liz Truss wishes Rishi Sunaki success

Earlier in the day, outgoing Prime Minister Truss chaired his last cabinet meeting at 10 Downing Street before heading to Buckingham Palace to formally tender his resignation to the 73-year-old monarch. Sunak then arrived at the palace for his meeting with the King, who invited him to form the government as Britain’s 57th Prime Minister and the third in just seven weeks.

The palace statement said, “The King welcomed the right Honorable Sage Sunak MP into the audience today and requested him to form a new administration. Mr. Sunak accepted His Majesty’s proposal and became Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury.” As kissed hands upon his appointment.” Sunak describes himself as a “proud Hindu”.

His victory on Diwali resonates among Indian diaspora groups across Britain, who have viewed it as a “historic moment” in British social history. “It is a historic moment for Rishi Sunak to become the first British Indian Prime Minister. This was not possible even a decade or two ago, said Sundar Katwala, director of the British Future think-tank.

“But we must not underestimate this important social change. When Sunak was born in Southampton in 1980, there were no Asian or black parliamentarians in the post-war era. There were still no black or black parliamentarians when he graduated. Asian Conservative parliamentarians were not. University in 2001. Sunak is set to become prime minister during the coronation of King Charles III next spring, telling an important story about our society, where we have come from and where we will go in the future. are,” he said.

The Archbishop of Canterbury urges Britons to pray for Sage Sunak as he enters Number 10 Downing Street in turbulent times. Justin Welby wrote on Twitter, “In a time of great difficulty and uncertainty for this country, please join me in praying for Rishi Sunak as he takes on leadership responsibility.” “Let him, and leaders of all parties, work to bring about unity and provide stability to those who need it most,” he said.

Sunak’s victory in the Tory leadership race comes at the end of a dramatic few days at Westminster as Liz Truss resigned last Thursday in the wake of a disastrous tax-cutting mini-budget and several policy U-turns. Former Prime Minister Johnson found himself out of competition over the weekend and Commons leader Penny Mordant conceded defeat moments before the shortlisting deadline on Monday, paving the way for a remarkable political comeback for the craze – the Tories to the truce. Last month after losing the membership vote.

However, his popularity as a frontrunner among his party colleagues has resurfaced as more than half of Tory MPs have publicly come out in support of him. He now faces the enormous challenge of steering the UK economy through massive inflationary turbulence and uniting the various wings of a divided Conservative Party.

(with inputs from PTI)

Read also | ‘Chosen to fix mistakes,’ says UK PM Rishi Sunak as he takes charge

Read also | Liz Truss wishes ‘every success’ to Rishi Sunak on his exit as UK PM

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