Roasted Pumpkin Seeds: Health Benefits and Easy Recipes for Healthy Snacking

The seeds are at the core of various foods but are usually discarded, or at most, used for decoration. But now they are slowly entering our plates as powerhouses of nutrition. This drastic change of opinion towards seeds has been brought into motion by health experts who swear by their nutritional prowess. Pumpkin seeds have gained recognition all over the world and have become the latest craze in the health world. Don’t let their size fool you; These tiny seeds are actually quite big on nutrition.

According to nutritionist Lokendra Tomar, “Pumpkin Seeds It contains large amounts of protein, healthy fats, fiber and minerals such as magnesium and zinc. The seeds are also rich in antioxidants, making them a good immune-boosting food. About 100 grams of pumpkin seeds provide 50% of the daily protein requirement, making one feel full for longer, thus, preventing binge eating.”

Now that we have clarified how pumpkin seeds can help us, the question arises – how to eat them? It is believed that a handful of seeds daily can bring us great benefits. Since pumpkin seeds are commonly available everywhere, they find a place in our sweets and traditional sweets, but the amount consumed in one serving is not enough. The mild flavor of the seeds doesn’t make them very appetizing. So, here we have brought you sweet and savory recipes. roasted pumpkin Seeds that will instantly become your favorite healthy snack. The recipe has been shared by food blogger Nicole Keshishian Modik on her Instagram page ‘kalejunkie’.

watch the video:

(Also read: 5 Magnesium Rich Pumpkin Seed Recipes for Good Health,

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds Recipe I Healthy Roasted Pumpkin Seeds Recipe:

Here’s a step by step recipe for Roasted Pumpkin Seeds:

After removing the seeds from a whole pumpkin, wash them thoroughly and allow them to dry. Then add a little olive oil, coconut sugar, black pepper and a pinch of salt to them. Now roast the seeds in the oven or air fryer.

If roasting in an air fryer, make sure that the air fryer is preheated to 360 degrees for 4 minutes. Then air-fry the seeds for 15-16 minutes, shaking the basket once in the middle of the process.

If using a regular oven, roast the seeds at 350 F for 18-20 minutes, tossing them once halfway through.

(Also read: 8 Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds for Weight Loss,

These roasted pumpkin seeds make for a delicious and healthy snack that you can have between meals every day to stave off hunger.