Russia bans entry of Joe Biden, Mark Zuckerberg, 961 other prominent Americans

In the latest development on the Russo-Ukraine war, Moscow has unveiled a list of 963 Americans who have been banned from entering the country, including US President Joe Biden, Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg and US Vice President Kamala Harris.

people whose names are on the list Russian Foreign Ministry The website also includes Hollywood actor Morgan Freeman, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and the head of the Pentagon Lloyd Austin.

Russia’s ties with the West are part of a decline since the February 24 invasion of Ukraine, which prompted the US and its allies to impose harsher sanctions on Moscow and increase arms supplies to Ukraine.

Publication of the full list of banned Americans For the first time, the ministry said: “We emphasize that the hostile action taken by Washington, which is itself a boomerang against the United States, will continue to receive a fair rebuke.”

It said the Russian counter-sanctions were “a necessary response aimed at forcing the ruling US regime, which is seeking to impose a neo-colonial ‘rules-based world order’ on the rest of the world, to change its behaviour.” For, to recognize the new geopolitical realities.”

Additionally, Russia has barred 24 others, including Canadian Prime Minister’s wife Sophie Trudeau, Canadian Air Force Commander Eric Jean Kenney, and officials and top managers from entering the country.

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