Russia, India motivated to ensure seamless defense cooperation: Envoy – Times of India

New Delhi: Russia And India is “very motivated” to ensure that defense cooperation between the two strategic partners is “seamless”. Ukraine The “barriers” created by the crisis and “negative external factors” are being effectively reduced, the Russian ambassador Denis Alipov Told.
The envoy told PTI that Russia’s supply of the S-400 Triumph surface-to-air missile system to India is progressing smoothly as per schedule and the two sides are “realistic” on important issues relating to relations in the defense sector. time” communication. ,
Alipov’s remarks come against the backdrop of fears in some circles in India that the conflict in Ukraine may delay Russia’s supply of key military systems and hardware to the Indian armed forces.
“Defence cooperation is one of the key pillars of the Russian-Indian Special and Privileged Strategic Partnership. Both our countries are deeply motivated to ensure that it remains uninterrupted,” alipov Told.
“We have managed to successfully reduce the barriers created by negative external factors and adjust to the new realities by using alternative payment and logistics options,” he said.
Asked specifically about the supply of the S-400 missile system, Alipov said, “It is proceeding smoothly as per schedule.”
In October 2018, India signed a USD 5 billion deal with Russia to buy five units of the S-400 air defense missile systems, despite warnings by the US that going ahead with the contract invited US sanctions. can go.
Russia began deliveries of the first regiment of the missile in December and it is deployed in the northern sector to cover parts of the border with China as well as the border with Pakistan.
It turns out that Russia has almost completed the delivery of key components of the 2nd Regiment of Weapon Systems.
On the overall supply of military hardware by Russia to India, Alipov said that if there are some delays in delivery and payment, they will not be significant.
“Both sides maintain real-time communication to deal with them. Currently, we see positive dynamics in the implementation of bilateral agreements and contracts, including S-400 system supply, while Russia is trying its best to meet all of its obligations in a timely manner. does,” said the messenger.
Russia has been a major supplier of military hardware to India. The two countries are discussing what kind of payment mechanism could work between them in the wake of Western sanctions on Moscow.
Unlike many other major powers, India has not yet directly criticized Russia for its invasion of Ukraine and has avoided votes in UN forums condemning the Russian aggression.
India has been pressing for a solution to the crisis through diplomacy and dialogue.
“We respect and appreciate India’s consistent position as it is based on a sound foundation of international law and a strategic vision of national interests,” Alipov said.
“We also feel that Indian society has a deep understanding of the origins of the Ukrainian crisis which began long before February 2022,” he said.
The Russian military offensive against Ukraine began in February.
After the invasion of Ukraine, Western countries have imposed severe sanctions on Russia.
Asked about the annual summit between Russia and India this year, Alipov did not give a direct answer.
“Russia and India were among the first to initiate the arrangement for annual summit exchanges 22 years ago. The only exception so far was 2020, the year the Covid-19 pandemic broke out,” he said. .
“Our leaders enjoy strong personal chemistry, maintain regular conversations and demonstrate deep mutual understanding. President’s visit (Vladimir, Putin December 2021 was a historic event for New Delhi,” Alipov said.
“This year, the two leaders spoke on the telephone four times. There are many opportunities for them to interact on international platforms like BRICS. Shanghai Cooperation Organization And the G20,” he said.