Russia-Ukraine Crisis Live Updates | Russia says it has fired hypersonic missiles again at Ukraine

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida Started talks with Indian counterpart Narendra Modi On Saturday, the visiting leader said he would urge Modi to take a tough stand on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and take “action”.

Ukraine’s president said Russia was trying to subjugate his country’s cities, but warned on Saturday that continuing the invasion would take a toll on Russia for “generations”. The remarks came after Moscow organized a mass rally in support of its stranded army.

Read | Missionaries of Charity working among war victims in Ukraine: Sister Joseph

Profile | Kyiv | epicenter of Ukrainian resistance

As Russia continues its invasion of Ukrainian territories, Russian President Vladimir Putin accused Ukraine of talks stalled

Meanwhile, India on Friday strongly justified its right to go ahead with the purchase of Russian energy. US urges country to stop buying Russian oil and gas,

The conflict began to intensify on February 21, 2022, after Russian President Vladimir Putin recognized separatist zone Deployed troops to eastern Ukraine and in a peacekeeping role.

top growth

  1. School bombing in Ukraine city; Zelensky cited war crimes

  2. Even if Russia is denied an easy victory, Putin could pound Ukraine for months

  3. Putin rallies behind Russian troops while deadly shelling is taking place on Ukraine

  4. Surrogate babies born in Ukraine are waiting for war in the basement

  5. Minister: It will take years and outside help to clean up the live ordnance now scattered across Ukraine

here are the latest updates


Russia says it has fired hypersonic missiles again at Ukraine

Russia said on Sunday that it again fired its latest Kinjal hypersonic missile In Ukraine, destroying a fuel storage site in the south of the country.

The Russian Defense Ministry also said it killed more than 100 members of Ukrainian special forces and “foreign mercenaries” when it targeted a training center with sea-based missiles in the northern Ukrainian city of Ovruch.

“The Kinjal Aviation Missile System with hypersonic ballistic missiles destroyed a large storage site for fuel and lubricants of the Ukrainian Armed Forces near the settlement of Kostyantinivka in the Mykolaiv region,” the defense ministry said.

The ministry said the base was used for the main supply of fuel for Ukrainian armored vehicles in the south of the country.


Officials say art school used by Russians as a bombshell

Ukrainian officials said Russian forces bombed an art school where some 400 people took refuge in the port city of Mariupol, where President Volodymyr Zelensky said an unrelenting siege by Russian troops would go down in history. There were war crimes.

Local officials said the school building was destroyed and people could live under the rubble. There was no immediate word on casualties.

On Wednesday, the Russian military also bombed a theater in Mariupol, where civilians were taking refuge. City officials said 130 people had been rescued, but many more could remain under the rubble. A Russian air raid hit a maternity hospital in Mariupol earlier in the war.

“What the occupiers did to make this happen for a peaceful city is a terror that will be remembered for centuries to come,” Mr Zelensky said in a video address to the nation. – ap


Zelensky suspends parties with Russian ties

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky has ordered the suspension of 11 political parties affiliated with Russia.

The largest of them is the Opposition Forum for Life, which has 44 of the 450 seats in the country’s parliament. The party is headed by Viktor Medvedchuk, who has friendly relations with Russian President Vladimir Putin, the godfather of Medvedchuk’s daughter.

Also on the list is the Nashi (Our) party led by Yevniy Murayev. before the Russian invasion. British officials warned that Russia wanted to install Murayev as Ukraine’s leader.

Speaking in a video address early Sunday, Mr Zelensky said that “in view of a large-scale war started by the Russian Federation and the links between it and some political structures, the activities of many political parties have been suspended for a period of time.” Martial law”. He said that “activities undertaken by politicians with the aim of discord and cooperation will not be successful”. – ap


20 children from surrogate mothers in bomb shelters

In peacetime, Ukraine has a thriving surrogate industry, one of the few countries where foreigners can find Ukrainian women to carry out their pregnancies. Now at least 20 of them are trapped in a makeshift bomb shelter in Ukraine’s capital, waiting for parents to go to the war zone to pick them up.

At present he is being well taken care of. The nurses of the surrogacy center are stuck with them, as the constant shelling makes it dangerous to even go home. Russian troops are trying to besiege the city, Ukrainian defenders have stopped them for the time being, the threat comes from the air.

Nurse Lyudmila Yashchenko says they are staying at the bomb shelter to save themselves and the children’s lives, some of whom are just a few days old. They have enough food and baby supplies for now, and can only hope and wait for the newborns to be raised and the war to end. – ap

United Kingdom

UK defense says Ukraine is occupying its airspace

The British Defense Ministry stated that the Ukrainian Air Force and Air Defense Forces “continue to effectively defend Ukrainian airspace”.

“Russia has failed to regain control of the air and has relied largely on stand-off weapons launched from the relative safety of Russian airspace to strike targets within Ukraine,” the ministry said on Twitter. “Securing air control was one of Russia’s key objectives for the early days of the conflict and their continued failure to do so has significantly affected their operational progress.”

A Ukrainian military official meanwhile confirmed to a Ukrainian newspaper that Russian forces launched a missile strike on Friday on a missile and ammunition warehouse in the Delyatyn settlement in the Ivano-Frankivsk region in western Ukraine.

But Ukrainian Air Force spokesman Yuri Ihnat told Ukraine Pravda on Saturday that there was no confirmation that the missile was actually a hypersonic Kinzel.

Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said earlier on Saturday that the Russian military struck an underground warehouse in Delyatyn on Friday with a hypersonic Kinzel missile in its first alleged combat use. According to Russian officials, the Kinjal, carried by MiG-31 fighter jets, has a range of 2,000 kilometers (about 1,250 miles) and flies 10 times the speed of sound. , AP


Russian cosmonauts: Suits not inspired by Ukrainian flag

When Three Russian Astronauts Arrived at the International Space Station wearing a yellow flight suit with blue accents, some saw a message in them wearing the colors of the Ukrainian flag. They shot him on Saturday.

Astronaut Oleg Artemyev said each crew chooses the color of the flight suits about six months before launch because they need to be sewn individually. And since all three of them were graduates of Bauman Moscow State Technical University, they chose the colors of their prestigious alma mater.

“There is no need to look for any hidden signs or symbols in our uniforms,” ​​Mr Artemyev said in a statement on the Russian Space Agency’s Telegram channel. “A color is just a color. It is not connected with Ukraine in any way. Otherwise we would have to recognize its authority over the yellow sun in the blue sky.

“These days, even though we’re in space, we’re with our president and our people!” – ap


Australia bans alumina, bauxite exports to Russia

Australia on Sunday expanded its sanctions against Russia over its invasion of Ukraine, immediately banning all exports of alumina and bauxite, promising more weapons and humanitarian aid.

The export ban is aimed at affecting aluminum production in Russia, which depends on Australia for 20 percent of its alumina. -afp


Ukraine’s Mariupol says Russia forcibly deported thousands of its people

The city council of Mariupol, Ukraine, said that Russian forces last week forcibly deported several thousand people from the besieged city after Russia called for “refugees” to arrive from the strategic port.

“Over the past week, several thousand Mariupol residents were deported to Russian territory,” the council said in a statement on its Telegram channel late Saturday. -Reuters


US lawmakers visit Poland, appeal for help for Ukraine’s military

A bipartisan delegation of US lawmakers visiting Poland said Saturday that the most urgent need in Ukraine’s fight against Russian aggression is to equip and support the country in whatever way it can to help defend its independence.

A seven-member delegation led by Representative Stephen Lynch, a Democrat from Massachusetts, visited Ukrainian refugee reception centers in eastern Poland. He noted Poland’s openness in accepting refugees from Ukraine, including in private homes. Since February 24, when Russian forces invaded Ukraine, more than two million people have fled the war to Poland. -ap


Zelensky slams Swiss banks, Nestle over ‘business as usual’ with Russia

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky in a live address to a Swiss rally on Saturday rebuked firms including Nestle for doing business with Russia as usual “even though our children are dying”.

Zelensky urged Swiss companies to stop doing business in Russia and asked the country’s banks to deposit funds belonging to the Kremlin elite.

Speaking at a rally outside the Swiss parliament in Bern, Zelensky denounced the firms that maintained business as usual despite the siege of Mariupol. -afp


Pope visits Ukraine’s children in hospital

Pope Francis visits some Ukrainian children who survived the Russian invasion and are currently undergoing treatment at the Vatican Pediatric Hospital in Rome.

The Vatican says the Bambino Gesu hospital is currently caring for 19 Ukrainian refugees, and that a total of about 50 have passed away in recent weeks. -ap