Russia-Ukraine News & Live Updates – Henry Club

Russian troops are moving closer to Kyiv and cities and towns are seeing significant destruction as Moscow continues to bombard Ukraine. CNN teams heard several explosions on the ground just before 6 a.m. on the outskirts of the northwestern city of Lviv.

Russia can target foreign weapons: Russia has threatened Ukraine with shooting at an arms convoy, saying convoys with foreign weapons could be considered “legitimate targets”. The warning, issued by Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov, risks a direct confrontation between Moscow and the NATO country.

America ran for military aid: The warning comes after the United States directed Ukraine to “immediately” $200 million in defense aid and services, including military education and training. A US official said the aid would include “anti-armor, anti-aircraft systems and small arms to support Ukraine’s frontline defenders facing unprovoked attacks from Russia.”

Russian troops close to Kyiv: Britain’s Defense Ministry said in its latest intelligence assessment on Saturday that the bulk of Russian ground forces are about 15.5 miles (25 kilometers) from the center of the Ukrainian capital. Russian attacks on civilian areas continue: a big field of makarivikA village, 30 miles west of Kyiv, suffered significant damage from apparent Russian air raids. Photos posted on social media, geolocated and verified by CNN, show major damage to residential apartment complexes, schools and a medical facility.

Chernobyl generator running: The electrical system of the nuclear power plant, which was damaged during the Russian attack on March 9, continues to be repaired, as the plant is now dependent on? external diesel generator The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has asked its reactors to keep running. Russian officials also arrived Ukraine’s largest nuclear power plantUkraine’s state-run nuclear power company Energoatom sought to take control of the facility, according to a statement.

Serious Destruction: The cities of Kharkiv, Mariupol, Mykolaiv, Dnipro, Chernihiv and Sumy are under constant Russian attacks and Russian forces are expanding their offensive west into Ukraine. In the besieged city of Mariupol, satellite imagery showed damage and fires in apartment buildings and gas stations. An emergency coordinator for Doctors Without Borders told CNN that the city is “Disaster Phase Now.” President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky Said “Some small towns no longer exist. … They’re just gone.”

Withdrawals: According to Ukraine’s defense ministry, Russian soldiers killed seven civilians, including women and a child, while trying to flee the village of Peremoga in the Kyiv region. Zelensky said 12,729 Ukrainians were successfully evacuated on Saturday.

Ukraine United: Zelensky said his country is more united than ever as it confronts Russian violence, but sees “Ukraine lacking the courage of NATO members to come together. This is a big problem. Coalition.” of a philosophical problem. Zelensky said Ukraine had lost about 1,300 troops as of Saturday and the entire country is “a front line”.