Russia: Ukraine’s president discusses Russia tensions with US lawmakers – Times of India

Kiev: President of Ukraine Had a video call with 20 United States senators and members of Congress on Friday amid tensions Russia, which recently raised fears of a possible invasion by large-scale troops near the border with Ukraine.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr zelensky According to Zelensky’s office, spoke with senators and congressional representatives about the creation of the Russian military and the state of his country’s war-torn pre-war. The Russian-backed rebels have been fighting Ukrainian forces in eastern Ukraine since 2014.
A statement from the presidential office described the “importance of engaging the United States in the process of a peaceful resolution” to the conflict in eastern Ukraine, known as the Donbass.
“Now, more than ever, it is not words, but decisive action,” the statement quoted Zelensky as saying. “My goal is to stop the bloodshed in the east of Ukraine. It is impossible to imagine security in Europe without ending the war in the Donbass.”
Zelensky and lawmakers also talked about pressure to impose further sanctions on Russia, Washington’s support for Kiev’s “euro-Atlantic aspirations” and Ukraine’s prospects for NATO membership.
Russia and Ukraine have been locked in a bitter tug-of-war since Ukraine’s annexation of the Crimean peninsula in 2014 and threw their support behind a separatist insurgency that has killed more than 14,000 people.
A 2015 peace deal between France and Germany ended large-scale hostilities in the Donbass, but efforts to reach a political solution to the conflict have so far failed.
Tensions between Russia and Ukraine have resumed over the deployment of troops near the Ukrainian border. Officials in Ukraine and the West feared it could signal a plan for an invasion, but the Kremlin has denied that intention.
Instead, Moscow has accused Kiev of building up its army in the east, saying that Ukrainian forces may plan to reclaim rebel-held areas by force.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has pressured the United States for guarantees that would prevent NATO from expanding east to Ukraine. The Western Coalition and Ukraine have insisted on the demand.
During his calls with US lawmakers and senators, Zelensky said “not a single third country can say no to Ukraine’s integration into NATO”.
“No agreement on Ukraine without Ukraine,” he said.
