Samsung Auto Chip Supply: Samsung to Supply New Advanced Auto Chip to Volkswagen | – times of India

Seoul: samsung Electronics revealed on Tuesday new auto chips targeting demand for advanced chips in cars, including a mounted VolkswagenInfotainment system developed by LG Electronics.
There is growing demand for “high-tech” automotive chips that can drive greater entertainment consumption and power components in cars, Samsung said in a statement, adding that it plans to actively respond to growing demand. Used to be.
Chips developed by Samsung’s Logic Piece The design business system includes LSI, a chip enabling 5G-based telecommunications for downloading high-definition video content during transit, and a power management chip for stable power supplies.
Samsung said a third chip, an infotainment processor that can control up to four displays and 12 cameras simultaneously, is embedded in Volkswagen’s high-performance Computer in Car Application Server (ICAS) 3.1, which is designed for LG Electronics’ vehicles. Developed by Components Business. ,
Analysts said both Samsung and cross-town rival LG Electronics target the expansion of the global electric vehicle market and the rapid electrification of cars as opportunities to sell high-tech chips and sophisticated components.
