Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabia to allow one million Haj pilgrims this year – Times of India

Riyadh: Saudi Arab Said on Saturday it would allow one million Muslims from inside and outside the country to participate in this year’s Hajj, a sharp pace after pandemic restrictions forced two years of heavy pilgrimage.
“One million pilgrims, both foreign and domestic, have been authorized to perform Haj this year,” the Haj ministry said in a statement.
one of the five pillars of IslamHajj should be performed by all Muslims with means at least once in their life. Usually one of the largest religious gatherings in the world, around 2.5 million people attended in 2019.
But after the start of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, Saudi authorities only allowed 1,000 pilgrims to participate.
The following year, they raised a total of 60,000 fully vaccinated citizens and residents, selected via lottery.
This year’s Hajj, which will take place in July, will be limited to vaccinated pilgrims below the age of 65, Saturday’s announcement said.
Those arriving from outside Saudi Arabia must submit a negative COVID-19 PCR result from the test done within 72 hours of travel.
Saturday’s statement said the government wants to boost the safety of pilgrims, while ensuring that the maximum number of Muslims around the world can perform the Hajj.
The Hajj consists of a series of religious rites that take place over five days in Islam’s holiest city, Maizeand surrounding areas of western Saudi Arabia.
Hosting the Hajj is a matter of prestige for Saudi rulers, as the guardianship of Islam’s holiest sites is their most powerful source of political legitimacy.
Before the pandemic, Muslim pilgrims were major revenue earners for the state, bringing in about $12 billion annually.
The restrictions in 2020 and 2021 sparked outrage among Muslims abroad, who were barred.
The state of nearly 34 million people has so far recorded over 751,000 coronavirus cases, including 9,055 deaths, according to health ministry data.
In early March it announced the lifting of most COVID restrictions, including social distancing in public places and quarantine for vaccinations, steps that were expected to facilitate the arrival of Muslim pilgrims.
The decision included suspending “social distancing measures in all open and closed spaces”, including mosques, while masks are now required only in closed spaces.