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In recent years, yoga has gained popularity as more people have started incorporating it into their daily lives. (Representational Image: Shutterstock)

Which is better to practice yoga – indoors or outdoors – is one of the major questions that often arises when one starts out. So let’s take a look at what practicing yoga can do for you, both inside and out

Yoga has become increasingly popular in recent years, with many people choosing to incorporate it into their daily routine. One of the main questions that often arises when starting yoga is whether to practice indoors or outdoors. Both indoor and outdoor yoga have their own unique benefits, and ultimately the choice depends on personal preference and circumstances. So, here’s a look at the benefits of practicing yoga indoors and outdoors.

Practicing Yoga Indoors

Doing yoga is a great way to improve your physical and mental health, and there are many benefits to practicing indoors. Yoga can be done anywhere, but doing it indoors can provide a controlled and comfortable environment, making it easier to focus on your practice. Here are some of its benefits.

benefits of doing yoga indoors

  1. Facility: One of the main advantages of practicing yoga indoors is the convenience and accessibility of having a dedicated yoga space.
  2. Well Equipped: Indoor yoga studios are often equipped with all the necessary props and equipment, such as mats, blocks, straps, and bolsters.
  3. temperature: Practicing yoga indoors comes with the ability to control the temperature. Indoor studios often have a climate-controlled environment, which can make practice more comfortable and adaptable to different climates.
  4. Lighting Options: The studio may have different lighting options, such as dimming or candles, which can create a relaxing and calming atmosphere.

doing yoga outside

While many people choose to practice yoga in a studio or gym, there are many benefits to taking your yoga practice outside. Practicing yoga outdoors not only allows you to connect with nature but also provides a variety of physical and mental benefits that cannot be found in an indoor setting. Let’s look at some of its benefits.

Benefits of Practicing Yoga Outside

  1. Connected to Nature: One of the main benefits of practicing yoga outdoors is connecting with nature.
  2. Coordinating with the Universe: Being outside can provide a sense of belonging and connection with the natural world, which can enhance the overall yoga experience.
    Change of location: Practicing yoga outdoors can bring a change of scenery, which can be refreshing and inspiring.
  3. vitamin D: One of the best ways to get a healthy amount of Vitamin D is by exposing yourself to sunlight. If you do yoga outdoors, you will get a lot of benefits out of it.
    Outdoor yoga also provides an opportunity to incorporate other elements into the practice, such as natural sounds, smells and textures. The experience of practicing on a grassy field or sandy beach can be invigorating and add an extra dimension to the practice. Practicing yoga outdoors can also provide an opportunity to challenge balance and stability, as the terrain may not always be flat and stable.

Is it OK to do yoga outside amid air pollution?

When we practice yoga, we focus on deep, conscious breathing, which can increase our exposure to pollutants in the air. Breathing in polluted air can irritate the lungs and airways, causing shortness of breath, coughing and wheezing. It can also cause inflammation in the body, which can contribute to chronic health problems such as asthma, COPD and heart disease. Hence, it is generally not advised to do yoga amidst air pollution.

Whether you choose to exercise indoors or outdoors, the most important thing is to find an exercise that is comfortable, sustainable and enjoyable for you.

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