School in Delhi is not suitable for school children in the class; what is next?

Schools in class 9th to 12th (symbolic picture)

New Delhi:

corona virus (coronavirus) the origin of New Delhi are essential for COVID in the capital. According to Line, 50 percent of the class will be like this for one night. Also, offline as well as online classes are confirmed. Afterwards ️ Mostly Mostly

this also further

Dangerous for today’s child in Delhi. … controls are under control in the capital. Daily new cases less than 50.

The Delhi Divine Authority (DDMA) had announced that chants were recited in a muscle-coloured, voice reading-course to the sound of a chant. ;

To arrive in class 12th from New Delhi, the school parent will be brought to the process of formula in case the school parent is updated in New Delhi. After that edit your task.

Importance of Inal Love
Effectively, DDMA has said that students, teachers and non-teaching staff residing in COVID-19 containment zones will not be allowed to come to schools and colleges. Shut everyone down as soon as possible. 98 Teaching and non-teaching personnel take at least one of the staff vaccines.

Online exam is starting again after floods: Sisodia
Delhi’s Sub-Propertymata Sisodia on Thursday said that as a comparing agent the output comes from ‘hang bridge’. Check-Test-Test-Test-Test-Test is performed. On the question of the possibility of a third wave of the epidemic, Sisodia said that if the situation worsens then at any time the schools can be asked to start online education, which will depend on the situation.

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